The Ageless Canvas Seal, better known as Red Canvas Arts is Ketsugo's matured form of the Colorless Canvas Arts that takes on the color of red, which reflects the user's experience and knowledge in life.

Ageless Canvas Seal
The Ageless Canvas Seal represents a groundbreaking fusion of the Red Canvas Seal, Elephants Seal and the Waters of Time intricately integrated into Ketsugo Uzumaki's body. This unique system is embodied through tattoos on the Sage's skin, incorporating the information of the Red Canvass and Elephants Seals. This integration transforms Ketsugo into an enigmatic script of communication, making his coding virtually indecipherable. The fusion extends to the Uzumaki networks on a molecular level, embedding his essence within the blueprint. The Ageless Canvassing Seal is not merely a static construct but a dynamic entity constantly evolving with the Uzumaki's learning. It assimilates new linguistics and forms of communication as Ketsugo gains knowledge, ensuring a perpetually advancing system.
Crafted using the same material as the Red Canvassing Ink the Ageless Canvassing Seals are naturally formed within Ketsugo's body. This organic process incorporates the Sage's life-force, physical and spiritual energy, making the seals an extension of his subconscious system. The seals' unique properties allow the ink to act autonomously, with a direct connection to the Sage's cerebral function. Ketsugo gains control over his own blood due to the seal, rendering it impervious to chakra absorption techniques. The Ageless Canvassing Seal goes beyond passive defense, facilitating both subconscious and conscious actions on behalf of the Uzumaki. This unprecedented connection to the Waters of Time grants Ketsugo constant access to the Spring of Wells, enabling him to seal and unseal tools effortlessly. The Sage's link to Zomashu allows for instant summoning of landscapes, tools, or elephants. Furthermore, he can draw upon the Waters of Time for life force and chakra, seamlessly slipping into Zoshima and manipulating streams of time for instantaneous travel.
Divine Orbs of Time 神 オーブ の 時間 Kamiobu Jikan

The visual manifestation of the Ageless Canvassing Seal within Ketsugo's eyes transforms them into a mesmerizing design reminiscent of a clock. These Sage eyes, distinct from conventional dojutsu, endow him with the power to peer into the past, present, and future using the potent abilities of the Waters of Time. It is essential to note that the use of this ability is restricted, requiring the consent of other role-players, and glimpses into the future are considered prophecies, adding an element of unpredictability to the Sage's foresight.
State of Sage (セージの状態 , Sējino Jōtai) is a state accessed by Ketsugo—enabled by the Ageless Canvassing Seal, who has mastered the power of Senjutsu. The State of Sage, achieved through the mastery of Senjutsu and enabled by the Ageless Canvassing Seal, represents a state of profound connection to nature's energy. Unlike a mere transformation, this state seamlessly integrates senjutsu into Ketsugo's Fuinjutsu techniques, elevating their potency to unparalleled levels. The fusion of these mystical arts allows for a harmonious balance, enhancing the Sage's capabilities without resorting to a drastic physical transformation.
Drawbacks However, the remarkable powers bestowed by the Ageless Canvassing Seal come with inherent drawbacks. Prolonged and excessive use of ink-based techniques and fuinjutsu causes Ketsugo to lose small amounts of blood, contributing to physical fatigue. The intertwining of his life force within the Fuinjutsu becomes a pivotal factor in the overall strain experienced by the Sage. Additionally, the expulsion of natural energy during extended use poses a considerable burden on Ketsugo's body, underscoring the delicate equilibrium he must maintain to wield these extraordinary abilities. These drawbacks, while challenging, serve as a testament to the immense power and complexity of the Ageless Canvassing Seal.