The Alliance Headquarters on the far left of Nagi Island serves as a secluded and highly secured center for diplomatic discussions and strategic planning. Accessible only to authorized individuals, a specialized group of guards diligently prevents unauthorized entry, ensuring the confidentiality and security of the Alliance's central hub.
Much like the Nagi Academy, Nagi Island serves as a neutral ground for leaders to convene and hold meetings, providing the Alliance with a secure venue to discuss matters concerning their nations and global events. Typically, this location is reserved as a last-resort option for the leaders. The integrity and security of these meetings are further reinforced by the Nagi Security Unit, a group meticulously handpicked by the leaders of the Five Great Nations. This specialized unit is entrusted with the responsibility of preserving peace and security on Nagi Island, preventing any potential exploitation of the location for nefarious purposes.
Ensuring the utmost confidentiality, the communication channels during these meetings are fortified and safeguarded by the Sensory Unit. Their role extends beyond mere surveillance; they also guarantee that no unauthorized chakra usage occurs within the vicinity, maintaining a controlled and secure environment. The combined efforts of the Nagi Security Unit and the Sensory Unit make Nagi Island not only a hub for diplomatic discussions but also a fortress of security, upholding the principles of neutrality and safeguarding the interests of the Alliance.