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"Good medicine is bitter to the mouth.”[]

Azuresato Ryu is described to be a mysterious enigma in the history books. Besides the egregious amount of warfare she has taken part in, very little information exists about her before the cryogenic event sealing humanity away from the severe elements. Due to the level of anonymity that is necessary to perform duties that Kirigakure No Sato required of her, there was not a moment in the woman’s life that she has not been followed by red and black tape with all of her deeds deemed too confidential being redacted from the eyes of the civilians she protected. This was until she dedicated her life to the future of the mist both in medicine and then later, to the tutelage of The Bloody Three. She was renowned in Kirigakure for her elite skill in deploying medical techniques during combat, her scientific marvels and as one of the former wielders of one of the seven sacred swords of the hidden mist, Nuibari the needle.


While with strangers and those she was generally unfamiliar with, they reportedly received a stern but as warm a welcome as any complete with riveting conversation pertaining only to them. She wanted to know every little thing about them, from how many siblings they had to what sort of food they preferred. Sometimes she would inquire about the weather they’ve had recently or maybe months later she would ask about how their land and people in general. All of them innocent questions at face and completely open to interpretation.

Cunning, sly and charismatic she was overall pleasant but frightening company. She was vehemently against all involvement of anything modern and new in her presence as her ideals then were resiliently rooted in tradition.

One hundred years later, she has been believed to be dead after vanishing into obscurity but in truth Azuresato sought refuge from the fall of humanity as well as the cryogenic solution she did not agree with by diving incredible depths into the ocean. Masses of her clan and land opted to take part in the freezing en masse but not her. The sea had sealed her away, preserving her from the chaos above and even from the otherwise inevitable touch of time. Having said this, she attempted to come to shore multiple times, only to realize she was unable to breath or sustain herself in the now uninhabitable surface world. So she descended one last time and for one hundred years she remained there, isolated at the bottom of the ocean like a precious treasure that had yet to be found. It’s likely due to this that upon her unexpected reintegration into society that she is exceptionally unsociable for like a fossil returned to life, she is ignorant of and baffled by modern technology.

One hundred years later, she is in fact still repulsed by and averse to modern day technology regularly ending up in literal fights with various electronic devices. Thankfully, she recalls her manners and etiquette but she is no longer the extroverted and congenial creature that she once was, as she now finds herself to be far less talkative, more serious, sadistic and refined and able to send a crowd of pursuers packing with a single frigid leer.


Well versed in the art of Salt Release, Ryu had long since developed a process for which to keep her skin healthy, young and bright. Her flesh is pale because she is not particularly fond of being outdoors for long periods of time and it is usually free of all blemish resembling glass more than skin. She is an underwhelming five foot three with a petite build that boasts a light weight of one hundred and fourteen pounds. As a display of her ethical commitment to all medical and scientific practices, Azure often draped a sanitary white jacket over her shoulders with the insignia of the mist sewn into the sleeves. Under this laboratory coat concealed a Mizu no Kuni striped thermal top and a utility belt stocked with her arsenal. A plain skirt was paired with the ensemble purely for fashion-sense and a professional appearance and lastly, dark leggings were constricted by all terrain split toe heels.

Nest of Needles

Her hair strands are silky and blue and held in place by intricately woven braiding often in a tail at her back or at times she lets her mane down into a sleek cascade. To finish, her eyes are usually calm like a pool of un-touched water even during moments of great stress however, if for a rare instance the medical specialist becomes irritated then the color electrifies to life and becomes the core of an intimidating cyan leer; If looks could kill. In most cases her facial expressions tend to be very limited to a kind smile or two and nothing at all making it difficult to determine what she’s thinking at any given moment.

The Power of the Sea Dragon[]

Is a mysterious power to control the surrounding ocean; After Azuresato first awakened her powers during her coming-of-age, she could instinctively manipulate the seawater and upon making an effort to swim, her hands and feet became webbed, allowing her to swim efficiently and gills permitted her to breathe in the crystal cool waters around her. Early on in her childhood, she had shown a tremendous skill of control over the ocean simply by thought and, like her ancestors before her, she was afforded an additional array of special abilities at the same time. Eons later, molded into a superpower in the capable hands of the field medic, the unquenchable wrath of the sea that obeyed her felled many a foe and spurred a healthy fear as well as respect in all of the hearts of Mizu No Kuni’s enemies.

She is also afforded a unique form after experiencing the Power of Sea Dragon ritual in tandem with her experimental surgeries. As much as she was a doctor, Azuresato had been blessed to have a seemingly endless curiosity about the world in which she lived. This led to an undying spirit of a scientist to reside in her soul and also in the essence of what made her who she was. She desired, no she yearned to answer the questions that she had and in order to do so, the physician knew that she would need to cross some lines. Be it manipulation of the sea, salt or wind, the aspects of control and transformative mutation and how it could make a difference in the lives of her people and in her own life has been the cornerstone of Ryu’s studies and totality of her work. Body Modification in particular was an obsession of Ryu's and she pushed limits routinely by investing all that she had and some of what she didn't into discovering how far she could go.

The only patient receiving treatments, tests and operations was herself as she never involved other people in them, unlike an unhinged homicidal fanatic, she was extremely careful to keep her experiments and her research data safe and away from prying eyes but also to avoid misfortunes like malfunctions befalling anyone else but her.

See more: Siren Mode

Salt Release:[]

Enveloped in all aspects of the sea's waters, Azuresato had implemented it into a significant amount of her techniques to the point that she quickly came to realize that the abilities bestowed upon her by her clan's bloodline alongside her two most prominent elemental natures not only gave her influence over the ocean but also over the salt in the water. The perfect marriage between earth and water, Azuresato targets the particles of salt existing in the ocean’s saltwater in order to gain access to additional techniques which are otherwise not afforded to her by utilizing lakes or rivers or by spawning her own water release. This Salt Release is a release that is exclusive to her clan. (, "Shio") at her command it could be compared to a glutton that drained by absorbing every ounce of water away. Oftentimes, in a fight against a water release user, her opponents are shocked when they discover that their water-based techniques have been diluted or dried up entirely before their very eyes. However, the salt could also be like a sly and clever maestro relying on the art of precision,infection and the totality of her anatomical knowledge to further manipulate it whilst it knowingly and sometimes unknowingly traverses a body when in truth it was more like a monster…ensuring every open wound would burn a thousand times worse than the initial injury. Her mastery of the release has set the precedent for the countless battles that she has waged and that have been waged against her.

Preservation: The ritual Azuresato must go through in order to activate her bloodline’s Kekkei Genkai and her prowess with the salt and water she uses in her techniques act as an ends to a means to preserve her body and longevity. Her skin and body are deceitful, although no one is aware of exactly how old she is a century later she returned to the surface world and she did not look a day over twenty and her skin, hair and nails have remained perfectly immaculate. The process in which she does so is a secret that she has revealed to no living person.

Dehydration: In accordance to her will, the salt can be used offensively by rapidly dehydrating what it comes into contact with. This Is not limited to but can include bodies of water and opponent’s themselves. Afflicted enemies experience rapid mummification that dries their skin, bones and organs until they are unable to sustain their own life force and perish as fragile husks of who they used to be.

Suiton: Water Release[]

Having been born in the Land of Water, it's no surprise that Suiton would become Ryu's first element. She showed a natural proficiency for water release and over an untold number of years, partnered with the dynamic training by her clansmen, has come to wield it's cacophony of with casual ease often requiring little to no hand signals at all in order to wash away her enemies with the masses of water at her disposal.

Signature Techniques:

Doton: Earth Release[]

Essentially, every particle of salt water is at her beck and call, this includes sea salt that of which Azuresato has harvested for as long as she can remember and carries with her on her person at all times. The ground provided the sea with its salt and so naturally, it’s the only place she can determine that she derives her control over the salt in the water from. In response to and always in search of ways to enhance her techniques with her clan’s Kekkei Genkai she occasionally dispenses this particular salt and is able to utilize it alongside most of her Doton techniques. On the other hand, upon coming into contact with the sea, the earth becomes softer and easier to control to service other techniques as well. On it's own, the earth release heeds her every call and possesses a dauntless might upon being ehanced by her chakra which can provide Azuresato with a resolute defense in her hour of need.

Futon: Wind Release[]

Wind release is the least proficient elemental affiliation that she most commonly reserves for support in her arsenal. This does not mean she is inadequate in it’s usage, on the contrary it is a tool that she continues to hone and involve in some of her personal experiments*. The gales she summons are strong and concentrated/condensed as needed to allow for slashes, strikes and overall combat but their winds kick up into something proportionate to the force of a hurricane upon being aggrandized by the finite control she has over her chakra. It also acts as a catalyst to transfer her salt to places and people.

Medical Ninjutsu:[]

Easily one of the most accomplished medics of her time, Azuresato dedicated every day of her life to her medical career. She pioneered creating more efficient ways to treat her patients. One method of note channels medical chakra into the palm of her hand and this acts as a monitor to indicate the location, state of disrepair and recovery options to the physician. It’s a very basic but powerful method to examine the inside and outside of a body. Medical procedures were embroidered into all that she did aiding countless who came to her and whom she was assigned to protect. Quite the bookworm, researching drowned her nights away but rewarded her with teachings that earned her a grand cabinet of medals and certification still collecting dust to this day. Furthermore, never afraid to dab into the controversial, Ryu has fashioned her craft to provide both support and offense on the field of battle. A practice which is widely considered unorthodox, Azuresato supplied her patients with comfort but it is documented that she routinely went a step further by supplying her enemies with a degree of pain and hardship using medical procedures most would not experience in a lifetime had they not crossed her.

The salt that she manipulates infects the body that it comes into contact with either through a wound or by ingestion. Once struck, the victim’s body, without immediate proper medical attention, can be torn apart from within and their heart or any other tissue she targets can be destroyed within a fraction of a second according to her will. After someone has been invaded by Azuresato's salt, their fate rests solely in her hands as she is the only person able to extract every single grain of salt before it can completely dissolve which is of grave importance considering a single grain can still do life altering and sometimes mortal damage. Obviously, this sheds only a minuscule amount of light upon the atrocities Azuresato Ryu’s medical prowess when married to the salt is truly capable of. Having said this, salt is also excellent to use to sterilize.

In addition to this, Ryu had appreciated the healing properties of water and as she grew to train she would often apply suiton to her medical arts. Now she has developed her suiton jutsu to be synonymous to her medical Jutsu, creating such techniques as *Mystic Mist ( 霧呪力, “Kiri Juryoku”) However, at the same time, the mass scale plumes can be weaponized by corrupting it's composition with salt effectively converts it into *Burning Mist(燃焼 靄 ,"Nenshou Kiri”).

Salt is Sterilized in the hospital and every single individual grain is under the complete control of Azuresato. She uses these grains to enter the bodies of patients and is able to perform treatments, surgeries and procedures without cutting into them to do so. Simply being injected into the patient is enough and every grain becomes a medical tool to use as she sees fit. From holding fragile tendons together to accessing the tiniest cavities of the inner workings of the patient's body, there is very little the salt at her disposal cannot do. Due to it being sterile, there is also no risk of infection and shockingly, Azuresato is able to conduct these operations remotely.

Signature Techniques:
Azuresato has also amassed a collection of awards and achievements for her input and service to the medical community around the world. See Below.

⦿Excellence in Medicine Award

⦿National Physician Award

⦿Doctorate of Medicine and of Philosophy

Textual Works and Inventions:[]

There is a vast collection of her officially recognized research published in magazine articles that target the medical minds of all time within the five nations. She has written her takes and revisions on these studies in a separate literary composition, which detail the suffering and damage that can be created for shinobi but at the same time, the collection explains the various yet exclusive manners those injuries can be healed. It’s contents fluctuate from mild wounds to mental afflictions like PTSD and later offered readers an exciting fictional tale that twisted in the public and turned into a best seller still on the shelves today. They are there for educational purposes when mentoring youthful medical ninja and the object of some very creative academy assigned projects. In fact there are so many extensions on the information that the collection became known as the “Blue Books”.

Mending Minds, One Shinobi at a Time”, “Restorative Hydrotherapy”, “Degenerative Psyche in a Shinobi”, “ PTSD and Mania ”, “Suicide and violence.”, “Rehabilitative Manipulation of the Mind”, “Medical Genjutsu”, “Recognizing Degenerative Diseases”, “Painting a Psychic Picture”, “The Importance of Self Care”, “Mental and Physical Endurance

Signature Inventions:
Azuresato Syringe Launcher

Azuresato's Invention- The Syringe Launcher.


Portions of her studies went into developing more efficient ways to do things as a member of medical personnel. An example being a diverse way to transfer blood to wounded ninja in which Azuresato invented medicated ink written as a seal that can contain up to twenty pints of blood. It began to be mass produced and is utilized as the mandatory procedure when providing transfusions in Kirigakure no Sato. A separate example is a seal permanently etched into Azuresato’s left hand in the shape of the Kanji ‘Needle(針)’. This is the empty space where Azuresato, when she possessed the blade, sealed and retrieved Nuibari so that she was able to carry it around in secret.


  • Exposure to the combination of The Power of the Sea alongside countless experimental surgeries that made alterations to Azuresato at a genetic level resulted in an unfortunate side effect wherein whenever she touches an electronic device, it promptly short circuits or explodes. One might think this problematic but as an avid hater of modern technology she finds it rather useful.
  • She has a soft spot for children, especially orphans.
  • Every now and then she forces herself take a day off so that she can spend a little time in the sun on the beach. This is where she collects seashells or dives for pearls so that she can fashion little necklaces and bracelets out of them; She gives them to the children that tend to hang around outside in the village.
  • There is nothing Ryu detests more than a potty mouth. You will never hear the woman verbally curse, in fact, she replaces those nasty notions with more civilized words and at times it can result in something rather silly. "Son of a bucket!!!" - "Fishsticks!!"
  • She does not accept drinks or food from anyone she does not trust.

Hobbies: Fishing, Shell Collecting, Researching

Likes: Homemade Goods, Fine jewelry and Artifacts, Professionalism and Etiquette, Animals, Children.

Dislikes: Crowds, Annoyances, Insects, Wasting Time, Loud Noises, Panic, Anxiety, and Rudeness.

Beliefs, Religions & Philosophies: Ryu believes there is a higher power but none have correctly determined it’s identity or intention. She believes in the creed of Karma.
