Naruto Roleplay Wiki
Naruto Roleplay Wiki

The Cyclone Kick is a taijutsu technique created by Kyo Kengan which harnesses the principles of speed, momentum, and precision to deliver consecutive, concentrated kicks of remarkable force.


To execute the Cyclone Kick, Kyo begins by taking a step back, with a slight pivot. Then, as he advances forward; His body begins to rotate on the ball of his supporting foot, generating angular momentum as his body and his opponent lightly lifts into the air. The rotation gradually intensifies with each rotation, causing Kyo's body to become a human cyclone. At the apex of the rotation, just before the full force of the spin is unleashed, his lead leg extends with electrifying speed and precision. His chakra-infused foot becomes a veritable battering ram, striking his opponent with concussive force. The Cyclone Kick channels the accumulated kinetic energy and chakra into this single, focused strike, creating a shockwave of power that reverberates through the target's body upon impact before crashing down onto the opponent.

The impact of the technique can shatter bone, rupture organs, and send opponents hurtling through the air with tremendous force or crashing into the ground depending on the type of kick used for the final strike. It is not uncommon for the target to experience disorientation and a momentary loss of equilibrium due to the sheer power of the attack. The shockwave generated by the Cyclone Kick is likened to the ferocity of a compressed tornado.
