Darkness Release: Visage of Myrus is a Forbidden Kekkei Genkai Ninjutsu created by the founder of the Yamishi Clan Takoda; currently used by one Yamishi Clan Member
By Utilizing Darkness Release, and their cursed chakra, the users can call upon their ancestor through the mental mindscape, a specialized ritual taking place in the mindscape that the ancestor will ask for a tribute. Here the user must off a part of their body to their ancestor, a permanent shaving of life force as that part in the real world is converted into a demonic variation comprised of darkness immune to the natural weakness of darkness release; jutsu or items that produce substantial light. By doing this ritual and sacrificing a part, the users physical strength, speed, stamina, healing and durability are doubled though temporarily. This is what is considered a last resort when a Yamishi is ready to risk everything. Though it is noted the greater the tribute the greater the boost will be. But for such a great boost, the cost being that once the forbidden jutsu concludes and the battle subsides, the limbs will not turn back and will be inoperable until the Forbidden Jutsu is casted again, leaving the user greatly handicapped afterwards. The Ultimate ending result should the entire body have nothing left to offer is Death leaving nothing but a charcoal colored husk for a body.