Naruto Roleplay Wiki
Naruto Roleplay Wiki

Dust Release (塵遁, Jinton, Viz: Particle Style) is a nature transformation kekkei tōta, a combination of earth, wind, and fire. To perform Dust Release, users form a small three-dimensional object (e.g. a cube, a cone, etc.) out of chakra in their hands. The object expands once released by the user and moves astonishingly fast at its target; anything that passes through it (or that is passed through by it) is disintegrated on a molecular level. Because of the sheer destructiveness of Dust Release, its users are usually unmatched in a fight and they can easily fend off countless enemies. For this reason, the best way to combat one Dust Release user is with a second Dust Release user. Dust Release techniques seem to require a certain amount of preparation time, making it possible to prematurely halt the technique before it is completed. The hands also play a crucial role in the preparation, so interfering with the user's arms can hinder the technique. Dust Release techniques seem to be rather chakra-taxing.


  • Dust Release is the only known nature transformation to be a combination of more than two other already existing nature transformations. It is also the only known example of a Kekkei Tōta.
  • Ōnoki stated that Mū passed the secrets of Dust Release on to him, possibly suggesting that these techniques are not genetic.
    • Kū and Kakō, both fabrications who were created with Ōnoki as their genetic template, were able to use Dust Release