The Sphinx's Riddle is a formidable Jujutsu, a fusion of Earth Release and Yin Release, which allows Daidouji to manipulate her sand sand into a mesmerizing, chrome-colored sphinx with an uncanny ability to pose riddles and curse those who fail to answer correctly. This technique is as enigmatic as it is perilous, often used by shinobi of ancient lineages or secretive clans.
With intricate hand seals and a deep focus on Yin Release, Daidouji can mold the sand into the form of an imposing and majestic chrome-colored sphinx. The creature stands before the her, with its eyes radiating a captivating and hypnotic gleam. With the chrome sphinx, now animated by her chakra; The creature begins to speak in a profound and mystical tone. It poses a riddle to its target, typically a question of great complexity or philosophical depth. The riddles vary widely, challenging the intellect and intuition of those who hear them. Should the targeted individual(s) fail to provide a correct answer to the sphinx's riddle, they fall victim to a potent curse. The nature of the curse is determined by the specific riddle posed and varies with each activation of the jutsu. Common curses include temporary paralysis, sensory deprivation, or the draining of the victim's chakra.