Gangi is a Mangekyou ability created by Yuhari to utilize a unique form of (字縛術, Jibakujutsu) in which allows him to summon various offensive techniques through the use of his left eye. He can manipulate and severely injure or kill his opponent's depending on the kanji he summons on his target's body through focal point. The kanji's that appear on opponent's bodies are different as they are capable of building fires, and use Kanji to attack an enemy. This technique is quite versatile and provides a similar advantage to Hand Stamps. This technique can also be applied to non-living objects.
Gangi produces peculiar Kanji's that manifest on opponent's body via focal point of the user's vision. In most situations, this makes Gangi impossible to avoid, but acts in similar manner to genjutsu. Taking a full five seconds in order to fully materialize on the opponent's body, if the target is able to sense the mysterious Kanji on their body, has a strong enough will-power, and can release a chakra equal or greater than that of Yuhari they can break the Kanji. When used in battle, it was believed that Yuhari can use summon ninjutsu with his mind.
Effects of the Kanjis []
- 操, This Kanji, which comes from the verb 操 る (ayatsuru), which means to manipulate , allows to manipulate and control an opponent. The effect is manifested when Yuhari summons this Kanji's, right onto the target. This person becomes a subject who only cares about fulfilling Yuhari's will . However, like the Multiple Infinite Embraces, its effect is not long-lasting since a person with high amounts of Chakra can dissipate it.
- 岩, ( iwza, Rock ), This Kanji allows Yuhari to immobilize a target. If the case is about clones, this ability dispels them.
- 爆, ( baku, Explosion ), This Kanji is used to create various explosions, which can be used to eliminate clones.
- 炎, ( in, Flames ), This Kanji creates a large wall of Fire to keep enemies away as well as inflict third degree burns onto opponents. The temperature of the flames can be increased to a higher temperature, which can create an upward movement of air currents which in turn can give rise to thunder clouds. A master of this technique, Yuhari can summon multiple walls of flames in succession reducing those caught to ashes.
- 斬, ( Zan ), This Kanji, which comes from the verb 斬 る (kiru), which in turn means to kill with a sword, generates several blades of cutting Wind.
- 割, ( Katsu, Divide ), This kanji makes the ground split into two parts under the target.
What makes the Mangekyo Sharingan ability deadly is when used in conjunction with Fukashi, secreting the Kanji's on the opponent's body increasing the chances of the Kanji's fully forming on the opponent's body without noticing.
Weaknesses and Drawbacks[]
This is 'noticeably' one of Yuhari's strongest technique if not one of the Uchiha's strongest and useful Mangekyo ability . When not utilized in conjunction with Fukashi, it is possible for shinobi who possess powerful visual prowess and impeccable sensory abilities to sense the foreign chakra inserted into their body. Due to both the immense mental and visual strain, Yuhari is only able to use this technique at most at three times. This technique as well utilizes about 1/3 of his chakra when reaching his limit.