Golden November is also called Jīnsè Jū Ichigatsu, the Golden eleventh moon. The Golden November is a golden colored Naginata Scythe, with a rotatable blade. The base ability of the Golden November allows the user to perform a chrono stasis effect on a target that stacks as they take damage from the weapon. After awakening the wielder gains the ability to make golden constructs out of chakra, as well as separate the paralyzed target's soul from their body with a technique called the eleven-moon march. The target's soul is sent to the underworld where they must then journey back from to reconnect with their body. The more traumatic one's life ways the more their sanity will be tested as one tries to combat the past and purify their soul to get out of the underworld. The Golden November is one of the only three weapons of the 13-month weapons that allow access to its inner world to anyone other than the user. It can manifest the inner world originating from the wielder's location, known as the city of gold. Any gold construct in this location can be modified at will by the weapon wielder. The Golden November also has the most potent healing factor out of all of the 13-month series and is known as the strongest weapon of all the 13 month series.
Kinkiku is the soul in the Golden November, and like many of her sisters, she embodies the essence of bravery. However, she can be a bit distrusting at first, once you make a friend of her you will have made a friendship for life and long after. Kin loves teasing her partners and values a good prank. She however dislikes dishonesty, and despite her enjoyment in telling the truth she can be secretive. Kin is impulsively violent which can cause a wielder's attacks to lead to allies getting caught up in the attacks if they aren't careful. She holds confidence as her most valued trait, suggesting that it can be worth its weight in gold.