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The Kitsune Clan is a highly distinguished clan belonging to the area known as Ouza Island. They employ a diverse range of techniques for a broad range of purposes, many of these techniques affecting a person's luck via karma among other things. This makes them highly sought after on principle, mainly by anyone wishing to seek greater fortune. Of course, they are not without a means to effectively defend themselves. Little is known about the Kitsune Clan, and nothing is known about how the Kitsune Clan gained their rather unique appearance or abilities or if they had it all from the very beginning. Even less is known about why they seem to possess certain traits normally only seen in a certain yokai race of mythical folklore... To say nothing of the apparent Lycanthrope gene they seem to possess, enabling beast-like transformations. However, it's unclear whether they're really Kitsune or are merely humans that were mutated so heavily they no longer fully classify as such. For the sake of debate and argument, they have taken to saying that they are indeed Kitsune.

Background & Clan Lore[]

Due to being incredibly secretive by nature, not much is known about the seemingly mythical Kitsune clan. However, their authority and influence cannot be understated or underestimated - their condition for allowing shinobi to reside in their lands has always been that the Kitsune remained in charge considering the shinobi were, for all intents and purposes, invaders and illegal immigrants regardless of their reasons. Naturally, the shinobi did not take kindly to this, but were cowed into submission and forced to realize that the Kitsune were not afraid to wipe them all out on the spot for their transgression - unfortunately, not before a brief scuffle between a hundred of the more hotheaded ninjas and but a single Nine-Tailed Kitsune revealed a hint of what they were truly capable of. Those ninjas - the presumed "elite" - had been either burned to ashes while those same flames rendered all their ninjutsu useless, cursed with impending death and unable to ever use their chakra again, hypnotized into slitting their own throats while simultaneously rendered unable to escape that fate, or simply had all their bones literally crushed into powder while that same singular Kitsune was in a fully transformed state... And the worst part was, by the time it was over, that same Kitsune showed no signs of exhaustion - this had been the Kitsune clan's oldest, wisest, and most powerful member, and was also their beloved king at the time, the father of the district's current queen and matriarch Amaterasu Kitsune, father-in-law of current king and patriarch Okikurmi Kitsune, and the grandfather of the heir and prodigy Ōkami Kitsune. His name was Shiranui Kitsune.

His final act as King of Ouza Island before retiring and passing the torch to his daughter and son-in-law (mostly because he'd had enough of a life of politics and wanted to go back to being a simple family man), was that he enacted a law regarding the creation of a specialized military unit that answers only to the Kitsune Clan's royal family, effective immediately after being signed into law: "ONI" - A Black-Ops Special Forces Directive. Answering directly to the royal family and ONLY the royal family, they do any and all types of missions. Be it guard duty, wetwork, or even doing the work of an army, they would do all of that and more and do it with pride and would all rather die than betray their fellow Kitsune. This Task Force accepts only the best of the best, and only accepts Kitsune for obvious reasons - they simply do not trust humans to not eventually betray them. Considering the sheer number of Kitsune, the ONI quickly gained enough recruits to become an army in their own right. Best gear, best pay, best mission selection, they had it all and could - as well as most definitely would - certainly do it all.

Okikurmi and the rest of the Kitsune Clan then spent many years turning Ouza Island into not just a hidden village of their own, but also a fishing nation that effectively controls all trade routes by Usagi Ocean and Arashi Ocean. Due to being the outermost island, they also have complete and total control of all trade going in and out of Nagi Island - the implications of what they could financially do to any clan or district who grew the balls to earn the Kitsune clan's ire was not lost on anyone, as well as the fact that they also - by extension - controlled all trade done through the Amado Sea. The third thing that they did was use their Karma-based techniques to obtain full ownership of the entire gambling industry worldwide. Finally, the Kitsune set up numerous shrines and temples throughout each district. These are each attended by a nine-tailed female kitsune (each strictly having +6/6 Luck) that are strictly non-combatant and only use the Karmic Foxfire (and its variants) for self-defense - as well as use those same abilities to grant prayers with those effects depending entirely on whether or not one's positive karma is greater, less than, or equal to their negative karma.

Unknown to any living Kitsune today, there had been a second faction that used Ice Release instead of Foxfire Release - those Kitsune (now going by the name Yukitsune) were descendants of the Yuki clan, who used their ice not unlike their own flames. Nobody remembers when, where, how, or even why the split happened, and what few written records remain only vaguely describe a brutal and vicious civil war among their own kind - to the keenest of minds among their number, even those scant details are enough to paint a picture, and as such it became a mutual agreement to leave that bloody part of their past buried in the sands where it belongs. It was, however, determined that due to just how little of that distant past remained, the split had to have happened long before the cataclysm that forced everyone to seek a new continent to call home.

  • Primary Note: "ONI" is a Kitsune-exclusive elite task force loyal only to Okikurmi Kitsune, Amaterasu Kitsune, and their family - effectively the ruling family of Kitsune Clan, thus classifying them as royalty. The stats of all areas used by each member of the clan are the same as a non-Kitsune Kage-level ninja with full mastery in Taijutsu and Majutsu, with considerable knowledge and experience in Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Juinjutsu, and Fuinjutsu. All members are strictly nine-tailed kitsune, and have full mastery of all clan techniques meaning they also all have full mastery of Foxfire-Release. Each member of the royal family has a shadow guard unit of no fewer than 12 ONI operatives, enough for the same type of 24/7 8-hour rotating watch mentioned above. Ōkami Kitsune, for example, has such a unit tailing him everywhere he goes - including the Chuunin exams.
  • Secondary Note: Amaterasu Kitsune, Shiranui Kitsune, Okikurmi Kitsune, and all ONI operatives are NPC's strictly under Okami's own control as this is his clan, and the prior three mentioned also have Kage-level base stats in their chosen areas of specialization. The difference is that unlike their ONI, they have full mastery of Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Juinjutsu, and Majutsu. These NPC's will not be used for anything other than clan defense, clan development, district development, and training/development of OC's and OC skills. These cannot and will never be used for story development in any unfair manner, ESPECIALLY giving specific individual characters unfair advantages, ESPECIALLY in a competitive setting - the SOLE exception to this rule being in a legitimate life-or-death situation, at which point it is no longer considered strictly competitive! Attempts to control any of these without the content owner's permission WILL NOT be tolerated, and ABSOLUTELY WILL result in hunting down all the offender's characters IC and executing them. This is ESPECIALLY true for attempts made on the content owner's named NPC's. The ONLY exception to this rule are those within the roleplay SPECIFICALLY authorized to do so in the event the content owner himself is unable to do it and ONLY for a truly legitimate reason.
  • Tertiary Note: The female nine-tailed kitsune attending the various shrines are also considered NPC's! They are by no means proper combatants, but they excel in using the Karmic Foxfire and its variants to defend themselves if they must! However, that IS NOT their primary purpose nor do I intend for it to ever be so! They are STRICTLY there to attend the shrines and temples, and grant either blessings or curses depending entirely on the recipient's current luck at the time of receiving said curse or blessing, and if their positive karma is greater than, equal to, or less than their negative karma! That's the ONLY reason those NPC's strictly have a +6/6 luck stat!


Beast-Like Senses[]

The enhanced senses are self-explanatory. A fully-grown, adult Kitsune's smell and hearing are two-thousand times greater than that of people without naturally animal-like senses, and greater still than those who have had no such training. A Kitsune also has many extra sensory receptors in their hands and feet, allowing them to use the vibrations in the air and ground to track enemy movements. These enhanced senses also make a Kitsune incredibly difficult to catch in a Genjutsu for any longer than a second. Children and teenage Kitsune, like their Inuzuka counterparts as well as similar clans and animals in general, do not have these level of senses. These develop over time, though this can be accelerated through training. For example, Ōkami Kitsune's senses - considering his current age and skill level, are comparable in range and sensitivity to those of Kiba of the Inuzuka clan from his Genin days. It should be noted that these senses are also their "Achilles' Heel" for those without the proper training to be able to withstand sufficiently loud noises or similarly potent scents.

Supernatural Longevity[]

For unknown reasons, the Kitsune Clan can live for a very long time - their exact maximum age limit being undetermined due to being unknown to the world at large - without ever looking a day over thirty. Naturally, this lends credence to their claims of being the creatures of myth they are named for, being able to wait for centuries to gain all nine of their tails or earn them through blood, sweat, and tears... With each tail being said to be twice as difficult to earn as the last. Note: This level of longevity is only possible (at least in theory) due to the Kitsune not being entirely human in the first place. Of course, they cannot live forever, and as such old age will eventually catch up to if they never fall in battle.

Superior Immune System[]

This gene renders the individual highly resistant to all but the absolute deadliest toxins and diseases due to increased metabolism alongside the immune system being kicked into overdrive - this is because of the antibodies working overtime 24/7. As a result, the heart is beating so much that a Kitsune's body temperature reads as if they should be dead at that moment. This condition also explains the prior-mentioned vastly increased metabolism, allowing a Kitsune to out-eat even an Akimichi and still be hungry. Naturally, this means the clan never not needs work to do in order to properly feed themselves - which, in turn, means a Kitsune will never physically get out of shape simply by eating too much. Note: Even though the Kitsune are highly resistant to all but the absolute worst natural and man-made toxins and diseases, this does not mean immune. It merely means that their bodies detect and fight off these things faster and easier than most others. This specific gene was obtained when the old-world Kitsune began injecting all types of various venoms and toxins into themselves. This was a slow and painful process, but the results were well worth it.

Nine-Tails Development[]

With each tail, a member's available chakra reserves and the quality of their chakra skyrockets until they are considered to be Tailed Beasts in their own right - not actually being tailed beasts, but rather putting them in the same league as Kisame, the Tailless Tailed Beast who had monstrous chakra reserves of his own both with and without Samehada. Naturally, this means a Kitsune is already born with higher-than-normal chakra levels and chakra quality to begin with, making it difficult to properly control even if they start training early. As such, a Kitsune would be best suited as a front-line fighter due to being most inclined towards high-powered and highly-destructive Ninjutsu... Their powerful bodies grant them equally great potential as Taijutsu and Weapons specialists. It should be noted that there's no such thing as a Kitsune being born with more than one tail, and that a Kitsune can only earn more tails through intense training and/or reaching a sufficient skill level over time. Otherwise, a Kitsune has to wait every one-hundred years to get another tail. However, it's rare for a for the clan to be graced with a Nine-Tailed Kitsune. It should also be noted that because these are real flesh-and-blood tails, their bodies need the extra bone calcification and muscle tone in order to handle the additional weight of each tail. These tails are each 1.5x the height of the bearer and also have the needed muscle tone and bone calcification to be useful in Taijutsu, and as such are incredibly thick and heavy - without including the fur, each tail is roughly half as wide as the user's body and is easily half the bearer's body weight in total bone and muscle mass.

  • The tails tie into the bearer's Kekkei-Tota (if the individual is even capable of using it) by also being a representation of the bearer's mastery of the Foxfire-Release. Increasing the user's level of control and overall mastery over it is, however, only one way of earning more tails due to the downsides and risks involved with using it in the first place. Because of those same risks and downsides, especially with the "Foxfire Chakra Cloak", the bearer is more likely to increase their available chakra and therefore earn their tails faster by focusing on mastering that ability. Their bodies will also become stronger and more durable with the number of tails in order to be able to handle each addition of extra weight.
  • The exact increase in attributes grants +1 for Chakra, Chakra Control, Natural Speed, Strength, and Durability every three tails. This ability must be actively trained in order to reach the next stage, with Genin being able to use +1, Chunin being able to use +2, and Jonin being able to use +3. It absolutely MUST BE NOTED that this ability has a time limit, and MUST be consciously activated/deactivated! Each stage starts with a five-minute time limit, with the longest possible being no more than fifteen minutes! However, while most ninja battles are long since decided by then, this ability also puts tremendous strain upon the user's body as a consequence, and as such MUST be used wisely! Finally, transforming to have the appearance of a nine-tailed Kitsune DOES NOT automatically mean the user is activating this ability!
  • As a rule established by the creator and owner of this clan, no Kitsune character can be made with more than one tail regardless of rank, skill level, and who the creator of said character is to the RP. The only exceptions to this rule are Okikurmi Kitsune (the Satoosa of Yokugakure and Ouza Island as a whole) and Okami Kitsune (who was promoted to Chunin almost immediately after introduction into the RP via the Chunin Exams).

Instinctual Majutsu Talent[]

Despite the clan having vastly superior bodies to most clans by nature, where they truly shine is their instinctual talent for Majutsu. Compared to Ninjutsu, Majutsu is leagues more versatile for the Kitsune in the fact that as long as the practitioner has the chakra and the imagination to achieve the desired results, there are very few things they cannot do. After all, the first two Kitsune in the clan's history had found a way to preserve their consciousness, memories, souls, and chakra despite the demise of their flesh and blood bodies, which had been a feat achieved by storing them in vessels of crystal. It would not be a stretch by any means to assume that Majutsu runs in the Kitsune clan's blood, just as Fuinjutsu runs in the blood of the Uzumaki.

Superior Bone Calcification & Superior Muscle Tone[]

Another trait the Kitsune clan possess is significantly greater-than-normal bone calcification and muscle tone, allowing a Kitsune to run far faster than normal by most ninja world standards (with certain exceptions) and hit like a literal truck when going all-out. Kitsune also possess the stamina to - in theory - literally fight for weeks on end, months if they have to. The Kitsune are constantly training to maintain their strength or even surpass whatever limits they might have. Of course, the increase in bone calcification and muscle tone means a Kitsune can take a lot more hits and still get right back up to keep fighting - which is also thanks in no small part to the resulting supernaturally insane tenacity that comes from such intense training. Advisory Caution: You DO NOT want to get hit by a Kitsune's tails swinging at any part of your body full-force! ESPECIALLY when in any form but their base forms, or just using normal chakra to enhance their already absurd physical capabilities! Furthermore, The reason these two things are not listed separately is because they tie into each other and are therefore technically counted as a singular trait.

Kitsune Clan Bloodline[]


The Kitsune Clan's Kekkei-Tota, Foxfire-Release, is a fusion of Yin, Yang, and Fire Release — effectively forming a truly unique Kekkei-Tota. It serves as a versatile ability, capable of manifesting both destructive and healing effects, believed to be a mystical gift from the Kitsune. Foxfire-Release produces silver flames (or any other color the user wishes it to take at any given time considering its highly malleable nature) that draw upon natural oxygen and can even harness other fire-based techniques. In essence, it embodies an eternal flame, at least in theory. However, when wielded recklessly, it can inadvertently incinerate the user, allies, and even an entire village. It should be noted that while members of the Kitsune Clan do naturally possess the three required elements, they still need to be actively taught how to use them in such a manner due to the fact it isn't a Kekkei-Genkai.

  • The Foxfire's potency increases as it absorbs more chakra or oxygen. It can draw chakra from jutsus or individuals indiscriminately, making resurrection near impossible as it reduces the body to less than ashes. This process, though initially slow, becomes faster and agonizing over time, also preventing the use of jutsu, which accelerates the deterioration. It's crucial to note that simultaneously consuming both chakra and oxygen demands intense concentration and chakra control far beyond a typical Genin's capabilities. Safely using the [Foxfire Chakra Cloak] is highly recommended, typically attainable at Jonin Rank or equivalent skill level.
  • The "Foxfire-Release" Kekkei-Tota is classified as Majutsu due to its potential for widespread destruction. However, like Dust-Release, it demands specific preparation, chakra, and focus to execute. This technique primarily involves the use of hands, feet, and tails, making it susceptible to interruption. If these are disrupted or the user loses concentration, the technique can be prematurely halted with the loss of chakra. Despite the Kitsune Clan's substantial chakra reserves, employing these techniques carries the risk of self-interruption.
  • Due to the fact the full Kekkei-Tota is much too taxing on any Genin or Chuunin, lesser variants were created using combinations of Fire + Yin, and Fire + Yang. Fire + Yin creates a weaker "Foxfire Hypnotic Demon Lanterns", and Fire + Yang creates a weaker "Flames of Rejuvenation". These combinations are also used to create the many variants of the "Karmic Foxfire" techniques, as well as a weaker "Foxfire Chakra Cloak" in exchange for that technique not being as chakra-intensive and being generally easier to use.

"Foxfire-Release: Karmic Foxfire"[]

[Foxfire-Release: Karmic Foxfire] represents the Kitsune clan's Karma-based techniques. This technique possesses dual functionality: it can serve as a potent physical destructive force, surpassing ordinary fire in density, strength, and heat. Alternatively, it can transform into an intangible, benign form to inflict curses or bestow charms, protective wards, or blessings. All techniques stemming from this originate from "Foxfire Release - Foxfire". Karmic Foxfire and its related techniques are a subset of the Foxfire-Release Kekkei-Tota, utilizing Fire-Release, Yin-Release, and Yang-Release in tandem. These techniques require precise mental commands due to their use of the Kitsune clan's Foxfire Kekkei-Tota. Consequently, the entire Foxfire-Release Kekkei-Tota is appropriately classified as Majutsu or Sorcery Techniques.

