Naruto Roleplay Wiki
Naruto Roleplay Wiki

The Land Sense (念土地, 振動感覚, "Tochinen", VIZ; "Vibration Sensory") jutsu is the ability to sense whatever is connected to the solid earth and like materials at any given moment, regardless of the speed at which one is traveling.


The training for this skill is relative to doton and requires that a person live as though they were blind for an entire year which exponentially heightens their ability to hear, smell and touch. Time appears to have halted and the brain's senses zero in on the subjects at hand, giving the sage room to perceive. Even the slightest movements like breathing or a twitch can be sensed—lying is not an option. A single body part connected is all that is required, the distance and power (including beneath the surface) of the sensory dependent wholly on his ability to concentrate and time to articulate. Whatever is perceived by Tochinen appears in Lord Yamazaru's mind's eye, painting a vivid picture for him. Once he has felt someone's physical energy through this before, he will forever remember their signature. The sight obtained with this power is just as clear as normal vision.

Yamazaru once used this technique to fend off a platoon of samurai during training with a blindfold around his eyes. Although this sense can be used while standing on sand it is described as "fuzzy" and is not reliable because sand is constantly shifting due to wind.


  • This technique is based off of the earthbending ability to sense vibrations, oftentimes used by metalbenders as well.