The Leaf District, formerly known as the Land of Fire, stands as one of the integral nations within a sprawling supercontinent, intricately interconnected with its neighboring lands. Governed by the esteemed Fire Emperor, also known as the Hokage, this region is an essential pillar of the united Shinobi Alliance.
The Leaf District, renowned as a paramount member among the five great shinobi districts, proudly hosts Konohagakure, the village Hidden in the Leaves, within its borders. Under the guidance of the thirteenth Hokage, Ketsugo Uzumaki, the legacy of Konohagakure flourished, his leadership serving as a steadfast shield against adversity. However, a shift occurred when Suzaku, driven by his ambitions, assimilated all the hidden villages in the Leaf District, unifying them under his rule.
- Academy
- Akagahara (anime only)
- Amaguriama
- Dango Shop
- Fire Park
- Forty-Fourth Training Ground
- Hokage Rock
- Hokage Residence
- Information & Receiving Centre
- Jōnin Standby Station
- Kikyō Castle
- Konoha Archive Library
- Konoha Aviary
- Konoha Bank
- Konoha Cemetery
- Konoha Hospital
- Konoha Hot Springs
- Konohagakure Intelligence Division
- Konoha Library
- Konoha Military Police Force
- Konoha Mountain Villa
- Konoha Ninja Tool Research Facility: Detached Office (anime only)
- Konoha Orphanage
- Konoha Strict Correctional Facility (anime only)
- Lightning Burger
- Memorial Stone
- Mission Assignment Desk
- Mohawk Fish Market (anime only)
- Mori-No-Yu Hot Spring (anime only)
- Naka River
- Naka Shrine
- Ninjutsu Research Centre
- Old City Station
- Ramen Ichiraku
- Senju Park
- Shushu-ya
- Tatsumi Gate
- Third Training Ground
- Training Hall
- Uchiha District
- Uchiha Senbei
- Yakiniku Q
- Yamanaka Flowers
- Zeroth Training Ground (anime only)