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Okikurmi Kitsune is the current reigning Sovereign Monarch of Ouza Island and doubles as the Satoosa of Yokugakure. Alongside his wife and second-in-command, Amaterasu Kitsune, he has taken steps to finally introduce his country and people to the world beyond their island nation.

Collective Theme[]

Okikurmi Kitsune is primarily inspired by his namesake Oki from the game Okami.


Early Life[]

Like every other member of the Kitsune Clan, Okikurmi was born with just one tail. Wild, free, and untamed, he was a master prankster at heart and a natural troublemaker as a child. He was unable to sit still for long and, though one wouldn't think it to look at him now, he used to have the attention span of a goldfish. This was fixed when his own parents got him into fishing, and due to Ouza Island not being as technologically advanced as the world around them, that meant they had only simple wooden fishing equipment.

Due to Ouza Island's more relaxed lifestyle and their isolationist/non-interference policy that allowed them to keep watch of the outside world without needing to directly involve themselves, Okikurmi didn't start his training as a ninja until he was 12 years old, and even then it wasn't strictly enforced - he chose to do so of his own free will, and the impact it had on his mind and body quickly became clear as day. He became more relaxed, was able to pay better attention to everything, and didn't feel the need to commit massive pranks on the general populace just to release the incredible over-abundance of energy. Okikurmi even developed a sense of self-confidence that hadn't been seen in his younger years.

Unfortunately, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Okikurmi had been out fishing with his parents to help secure more food for their fish market when their ship had been caught in a particularly vicious tropical storm. A large wave had been kicked up, and even though their boat being large and durable due to the island's unique crafting methods to make up for the lack of a steady source of iron and other such materials, it was demolished and Okikurmi was the only one who washed up on the shores... At the age of 16 years old, he had lost his family to nature's wrath, their bodies never to be recovered from the depths of Usagi Ocean.

During the funeral service that had taken place for everyone whose lives had been lost - losses that had taken over a week to fully account for due to the wreckage that had been left behind, which he had helped clear up due to his own personal sense of justice not letting him sit by and do nothing while everyone else was also suffering - it was the first time Okikurki saw their nation's leader, Shiranui Kitsune, as well as his daughter Amaterasu Kitsune, who was roughly his own age. That day, Okikirmi became inspired by the strength Shiranui possessed - the strength needed to stand with his subjects in their mourning while the man himself had lost his wife to the storm while she had been visiting a friend.


As the years passed, Okikurmi threw himself into his training as much as he could without neglecting the other aspects of life. By the time he'd reached his late 20's, he had worked his way up to the point the only opponent outside of the then-Sovereign, Shiranui, that he personally knew and regularly trained with that was evenly matched with him (meaning they consistently won and lost against each other with no tiebreaker match in sight) was Amaterasu herself. Whenever they both had the time, they would fight and give each other their absolute best with the match not ending until one of them either surrendered (or otherwise was in no shape to continue) or was rendered unconscious. It didn't take long at all for this to become a regular thing, during which the two bonded and grew close.

It was also during these years that Shiranui offered Okikurmi a position as Amaterasu's personal guard, knowing fully well that he couldn't always be there and that Amaterasu needed someone around her age who could keep her tomboyish, trouble-making aspects under control (or at the very least make sure she didn't get in over her head). Okikurmi, however, saw it for what it really was: Shiranui's way of giving him a chance to properly court her, and possibly succeed the throne if he proved worthy of it since Amaterasu had made it quite clear many times that she didn't want it. Naturally, Okikurmi took that chance.

Mere months before Okikurmi succeeded Shiranui, invaders from the mainland had brought themselves to Ouza Island's shores, seeking to subjugate them which was very poorly disguised as seeking refuge from a natural disaster of immense proportion - Shiranui saw right through the act, having been the sole living Kitsune left from before the calamity, and had lead what became Ouza Island for another thirty years. That day, Okikurmi committed the memory into his brain - the day Shiranui unveiled the power possessed by the Sovereign, and used it to make a bloody and burned smear out of the invaders.

On the same day Okikurmi was declared the new Sovereign of Ouza Island, the entire clan celebrated their new ruler, the retirement of their former leader, and the engagement of Okikurmi and Amaterasu, the former having proposed during the festivities.

Achievements as Satoosa[]

  • The founding of Yokugakure itself, and thus began building up a proper military force to defend the island and its people with in case they ever came under attack. As was planned, the surrounding world eventually took notice and invited his nation to participate in the Chunin Selection Exams - during which his own son, young and inexperienced as he was, made a significant enough impression to receive a promotion.
  • In light of Okami proving himself to the entire Kitsune Clan despite not being able to use the actual Nine-Tails Development ability, Okikurmi revised the laws of succession of Ouza Island and the clan as a whole. He rewrote the laws so that possession of that ability as well as other abilities that were standard to the Kitsune Clan - including their Foxfire Release - are no longer required to become Satoosa of Ouza Island or be eligible for a higher rank within said nation. He did so under the reasoning that if they didn't change to give everyone a fair shot at rising above any limitations imposed on them and having something to show for it, then the nation and its people were doomed to grow stagnant and fall into a state of decline - and such a fate was something he had no intention of allowing to happen, not as long as he sat on the throne.
  • Being primarily a man of action and wanting to get shit done, Okikurmi funded expeditions to see precisely what resources were available to Ouza Island. These expeditions turned up several things they hadn't been aware of before: Oil Vents, Salt Rocks, and Pearls. He's already known that they had an abundance of island timber, island fruits and sand that could be turned into glass. Further expeditions turned up from Nagi Island revealed a ready supply of Iron, Obsidian, and Copper, but unfortunately Ouza Island lacks a specialized forge to oxidize the Iron to turn it into Steel, so he decided to leave Nagi Island and its resources alone until an opportunity came to discuss the matter with the Allied Shinobi Forces.
  • Successful plans were made to upgrade the homes, facilities, and fishing boats using the resources available on Ouza Island without irreversibly damaging their ecosystem. Small as the island is, this prompted Okikurmi to devise his present-day plans to expand Ouza Island's reach and lay claim to new territory for the resources they need. At the moment, he has set his sights on Nagi Island, but dares not do anything without consulting with the Allied Shinobi Alliance first.
  • In addition, Okikurmi passed a series of other decrees in order to gradually ease his nation and its people into the concept of no longer being isolated. These decrees involved opening their seafaring trade to any and all interested nations as a more stable source of economy and other necessities. As an island nation, all shipments were to be cataloged and tracked, and all incoming and outgoing vessels were to be checked thoroughly before loading and offloading the cargo - this was done in order to prevent unwanted contraband, smuggling, stowaways, all manner of other undesirables, and especially more subtle invasion attempts. All incoming and outgoing personnel were also required to check in and perform all necessary paperwork at the docks before going anywhere else or doing anything else. Furthermore, following the founding of Yokugakure, all Ouza Island vessels naturally made a habit of hiring Yokugakure Genin to protect them from pirates and other things, as well as helping out in whatever way was needed. On an island nation such as theirs where peace reigned, one could assume that nothing had really changed and they'd be absolutely correct. It should be noted that even with such a major change, Ouza Island is also still considered an isolationist nation that very little is actually known about.
  • Okikurmi also officially implemented his predecessor's law, using it to create an elite task force named the "GHOSTS" that answers only to him, and were hand-picked by him alone from the very best of the best. He devised a method of long-range communication that involves the use of seals to send written messages instead of messenger hawks - a method that was not only much more discreet, but significantly faster as well. Messages could be sent and received in seconds, and responded to just as quickly, all without a range limit and without fear of said messages being intercepted by normal methods. The GHOSTS themselves had been trained to hide in plain sight, with many of them operating the harbors that line the perimeter of Ouza Island and properly disguised for said job.

Present Day[]

Okikurmi has further plans for the continued betterment and prosperity of his nation and her people. These plans include, but are not limited to, laying some manner of claim to Nagi Island primarily for its resources that Ouza Island is in need of due to their ever-growing population - and steady increases in technological advancement, which would in turn also make it easier for them to reach the mainland for missions among other things. This would, of course, mean speaking with the Allied Shinobi Forces during their next Summit - if only to make sure doing so wouldn't result in stepping on any toes. In the event Okikurmi did indeed attend such an event, his plan would be to take Okami with him as his representative in order for his son and only living heir to finally gain proper experience in the realm of politics. He's fully prepared to join Ouza Island to the alliance if it proves necessary to gain access to the resources his homeland and people need.

As it turns out, Okikurmi wound up doing exactly that: Sending official letters of introduction to the respective Kage of each of the five major districts, in hopes of forging an official alliance with at least one of the five major nations in order to get his people the help they needed - even if such an opportunity was already present in Konohagakure thanks to his son's newfound dual-citizenship there.


Okikurmi is known to be firm and unbiased in his views, even to a fault at times. He's also stubborn and can be hotheaded, sometimes needing to be proven irrefutably wrong before apologizing, but not often and never over actually important matters. Okikurmi is passionate and determined in regards to his love for Ouza Island and its people, wishing only the best for its inhabitants and is therefore not afraid to lead from the front. Whether it be claiming more land, forging alliances, or conquering others, he isn't afraid to do whatever it takes to improve his people's livelihood. However, his love for his wife and son exceeds even that.

In combat, Okikurmi becomes a wholly different beast altogether. He embodies all the fierceness and tenacity of a wolf much like Okami, refusing to admit defeat until his body can no longer move. However, he has his honor and will deliberately wound himself (so long as the damage inflicted upon himself isn't irreversible) or hold back the full brunt of his abilities if his opponent is either injured themselves or simply not on the same level of skill.


Due to the Kitsune Clan's natural longevity, Okikurmi looks to be in his mid-20's despite being 100 years old. He possesses fair skin and an angular facial structure under his blue wolf mask, as well as a striking pair of crimson eyes. Okikurmi is an oddity in the fact that despite being a Kitsune, his ears and tail in his one-tailed state (which match his hair's colors and color pattern) are similar in shape, size, and texture to those of a wolf native to tundra-like climates than those of a fox.

Overall Abilities[]

His skills focus on Taijutsu and Bukijutsu while also possessing passing skill in Kenjutsu empowered by Chakra Flow, as well as devastating combinations of Ninjutsu and Genjutsu - combinations made even more devastating when performed with his wife as a duo. Furthermore, he possesses the same abilities standard to every other Kitsune. As far as tools are concerned, he carries the same loadout as Okami but wields his own katana. Okikurmi is also as close to a master practitioner of Majutsu as a Kitsune can get while also keeping his skills balanced, meaning that skill is at the same level as everything else. Finally, in regards to Fuinjutsu, Okikurmi is a skilled enough practitioner that while he prefers to stick to the basics, his horizons are considerably expanded, meaning that he can do so much more with just the basic seals and some of the more advanced ones - freely combining and modifying them as he pleases.


  • Okikurmi was fully aware of the stigma Okami had suffered ever since it got out that his son is unable to use their clan's most powerful ability. However, instead of stopping it outright (which simply wasn't possible, but not from lack of trying), what he did do (what was within the realm of possibility) was see to it that the clan's mistreatment never crossed certain lines. Since then, Okikurmi swore that if there was anything - anything at all - that he could do to help Okami become stronger and surpass the limitations imposed upon him, he would do it without question. The reasons for this oath are twofold: To ensure that his one and only son indeed has what it takes to surpass him and succeed the throne when the time comes, and to ensure that as such, Okami doesn't die earlier than he's destined to.