Naruto Roleplay Wiki
Naruto Roleplay Wiki

General Overview[]

Ouza Island is a self-sufficient hierarchy kingdom consisting mostly of a population of the Kitsune clan - the largest clan in the world due to having been largely left untouched and undisturbed by all known worldly conflicts. Ouza Island, due to effectively having complete control of certain trades done by way of Usagi Ocean, Arashi Ocean, and Amado Sea, is also among the wealthiest nations due to being relied on for their fish & seafood cuisine imports among other things by any and all willing to buy from them. However, they keep their prices reasonable so that everyone can afford their services due to this not being Ouza Island's only source of income. The Kitsune of Ouza Island, thanks to their Karma-based techniques, have also taken full ownership of the worldwide gambling & casino industries with their very own island becoming the foremost gambling den, and are known to be very generous in paying everyone working for those industries - not to mention their equally generous employee benefits! Their most notable contribution to each district, however, is having several shrines and temples where anyone can be granted blessings or curses depending on their luck as well as their accumulated positive-to-negative karma ratio at the time they make the visit.

  • Note: They do not control literally all trade done by sea, but Ouza Island does have full reign over trade done for fish and seafood cuisine, exotic fish, and a number of other things that can only be found in certain temperatures of water which Ouza Island just happens to have complete jurisdiction of - with the sole exception of Nagi Island. In time, these trades alone could allow them to become the most wealthy nation despite its small size, though their inherently peaceful nature as well as their other prior-mentioned contributions also have a hand in that extremely likely reality.

Background & Ouza Island Lore[]

Ouza Island was at first nothing much, a simple fishing nation governed by a peaceful people, but that was before a great calamity of origins unknown killed much and more of the world around them, forcing many shinobi and civilians alike to relocate elsewhere... Out of every nation that was affected in some manner or another, Ouza Island was left entirely untouched, having cared little and less for the shinobi lifestyle at the time - and even less for all the death and destruction it brought upon the world. It was only after their island was "visited" by a number of homeless ninja and civilians that this changed, seeing the need for a proper military force to defend themselves with.

Due to being incredibly secretive by nature, not much is known about the seemingly mythical Kitsune clan. However, their authority and influence cannot be understated or underestimated - their condition for allowing humans to reside in their lands has always been that the Kitsune remained in charge considering the humans were, for all intents and purposes, invaders and illegal immigrants regardless of their reasons. Naturally, the shinobi did not take kindly to this, but were cowed into submission and forced to realize that the Kitsune were not afraid to wipe them all out on the spot for their transgression - unfortunately, not before a brief scuffle between a hundred of the more hotheaded ninjas and but a single Nine-Tailed Kitsune revealed a hint of what they were truly capable of.

The ninjas of the group - the presumed "elite" - had been either burned to ashes while those same flames rendered all their ninjutsu useless, cursed with impending death and unable to ever use their chakra again, hypnotized into slitting their own throats while simultaneously rendered unable to escape that fate, or simply had all their bones literally crushed into powder while that same singular Kitsune was in a fully transformed state... And the worst part was, by the time it was over, that same Kitsune showed no signs of exhaustion - this had been the Kitsune clan's oldest, wisest, and most powerful member, and was also their beloved king at the time, the father of the district's current queen and matriarch Amaterasu Kitsune, father-in-law of current king and patriarch Okikurmi Kitsune, and the grandfather of the heir and prodigy Ōkami Kitsune. His name was Shiranui Kitsune.

His final act as King of Ouza Island before retiring and passing the torch to his daughter and son-in-law (mostly because he'd had enough of a life of politics and wanted to go back to being a simple family man), was that he enacted a law regarding the creation of a specialized military unit that answers only to the Kitsune Clan's royal family, effective immediately after being signed into law by Okikurmi: "GHOSTS" - A Black-Ops Special Forces Directive, its members hand-picked solely by the Satoosa. They do any and all types of missions, be it guard duty, wetwork, or even doing the work of an army, they would do all of that and more and do it with pride and would all rather die than betray their fellow Kitsune. This Task Force accepts only the best of the best, and only accepts Kitsune for obvious reasons - they simply do not trust humans to not eventually betray them. Considering the sheer number of Kitsune, the GHOSTS quickly gained enough fully-trained operatives for the island to have a sufficient defensive force.

Okikurmi and the rest of the Kitsune Clan then spent many years turning Ouza Island into not just a hidden village of their own, but also a fishing nation that effectively controls all trade routes by Usagi Ocean and Arashi Ocean. Due to being the outermost island, they also have complete and total control of all trade going in and out of Nagi Island - the implications of what they could financially do to any clan or district who grew the balls to earn the Kitsune clan's ire was not lost on anyone, as well as the fact that they also - by extension - controlled all trade done through the Amado Sea. The third thing that they did was use their Karma-based techniques to obtain full ownership of all worldwide gambling industries. Finally, the Kitsune set up numerous shrines and temples throughout each district. These are each attended by a nine-tailed female kitsune (each strictly having +6/6 Luck) that are strictly non-combatant and only use the Karmic Foxfire (and its variants) for self-defense - as well as use those same abilities to grant prayers with those effects depending entirely on whether or not one's positive karma is greater, less than, or equal to their negative karma.

  • Primary Note: "GHOSTS" is a Kitsune-exclusive elite task force loyal to Ouza Island and her interests, with each member being hand-picked by Okikurmi Kitsune himself. The stats of all areas used by each member of the clan are the same as those of Okikurmi, including all attributes and mastery levels. Each member of the royal family has a shadow guard unit of no fewer than 12 GHOSTS operatives, enough for the same type of 24/7 8-hour rotating watch mentioned above.
  • Secondary Note: Amaterasu Kitsune, Shiranui Kitsune, Okikurmi Kitsune, and all GHOSTS operatives are NPC's strictly under Okami's own control as this is his clan and island, and the prior three mentioned also have high Jonin-level base stats in their chosen areas of specialization. These NPC's will not be used for anything other than clan defense, clan development, district development, and training/development of OC's and OC skills. These cannot and will never be used for story development in any unfair manner, especially giving specific individual characters unfair advantages, even more so in a competitive setting - the sole exception to this rule being in a legitimate life-or-death situation, at which point it is no longer considered strictly competitive! Attempts to control any of these without the content owner's permission will absolutely not be tolerated, and absolutely result in hunting down all the offender's characters IC and executing them. This is especially true for attempts made on the content owner's named NPC's. The only exception to this rule are those within the roleplay specifically authorized to do so in the event the content owner himself is unable to do it and only for a truly legitimate reason.
  • Tertiary Note: The female nine-tailed kitsune attending the various shrines are also considered NPC's! They are by no means proper combatants, but they excel in using the Karmic Foxfire and its variants to defend themselves if they must! However, that is absolutely not their purpose nor do I intend for it to ever be so! They are strictly there to attend the shrines and temples, and grant either blessings or curses depending entirely on the recipient's current luck at the time of receiving said curse or blessing, and if their positive karma is greater than, equal to, or less than their negative karma! That's the only reason those NPC's strictly have a +6/6 luck stat!


  • Ouza Island possesses a natural defense of its own in the form of tropical storms that occur at random year-round due to the minor nation's location and close proximity to the equator. Furthermore, due to the island nation being to the north of Sand District's coast and to the south of Mist District's coast, they possess an additional natural defense in the form of many sea-based predators that can only be found in tropical waters that prey upon the other tropical marine wildlife native to the oceans surrounding Ouza Island. Naturally, this area includes the Amado Sea, the Arashi Ocean, and a decent chunk of eastern Usagi Ocean.
  • The above-mentioned tropical storms are large enough to span between the edges of Nagi Island and Ouza Island, and are severe enough to sink fully-loaded cargo ships made of steel within minutes at the longest. These storms are, as such, plenty powerful enough to kill people by sweeping them into the oceans due to the tempestuous winds - as Ouza Island, sad as it may be, can attest to without fail. However, these storms ironically serve a dual-purpose of keeping said island nation's population somewhat in check.
  • Due to Ouza Island's close proximity to the equator, despite not being actually on the equator like Nagi Island, Ouza Island is still close enough that they have their own volcano (located at the very center of the island) - not that it needed to be particularly close to the equator anyways. However, ever since the volcano itself as well as the resulting island around it were formed centuries upon centuries ago, there has been minimal volcanic activity. It should be noted that the combined heat from the very location the island was formed as well as the volcano itself resulted in the Kitsune Clan gaining a measure of natural heat resistance and can, in theory, weather cold climates with relative ease as a result.
  • Finally, among the Kitsune Clan, the Satoosa himself has the responsibility of delivering a food offering and performing a ritualistic dance in front of a shrine located to the north at the base of the volcano itself every summer solstice. This is to ensure that no eruptions occur severe enough to force the clan to relocate elsewhere, and for no eruptions to occur during a tropical storm.