Hidden Palace within the Toran Ocean.
The Palace of the Trench (塹壕の宮殿, Zangō no kyūden) is a hidden unexplored region within Earth's ocean that long been there since longest and oldest history of men, the discovery of powerful ore within Temujin Continent by a clan during their conquest and reign over the country. War and blood was shed over the Stone of Gelel resulting in lands and kingdoms collapsing by result, this would spark a change within the Toran Region for several centuries.
𝗖͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ𝗼̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗺͙̦ͥ̍𝗲̋͊ͮ 𝘁͈̮͈̝̪ͫ̅̐ͮ𝗼̲̩̘̈́ͦ̐ 𝘁̋͊ͮ𝗵̑ͤ͑̂̆͒̾̓͋𝗲̑ͤ͑̂̆͒̾̓͋ 𝗼͙̦ͥ̍𝗰̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗲̫𝗮͎̗̅ͥ𝗻̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒ 𝗮̽̈͊𝗻͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ𝗱͒̾ 𝗹͙̦ͥ̍𝗶̽̈͊𝘀̊̈𝘁̖͙̬̮͓ͮ̏ͤ𝗲̆͒̾̓𝗻̰͍͚̞̣̱͑ͬͦ̉,͙̦ͥ̍ 𝘁͙̦ͥ̍𝗵͊ͮ͋𝗲͊ͮ͋𝗿͒̾𝗲͙̦ͥ̍ 𝗶͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ𝘀̖͙̬̮͓ͮ̏ͤ 𝗮͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ𝗻͒̾ 𝗼̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗹̽̈͊𝗱̖͙̬̮͓ͮ̏ͤ 𝗽̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝗼̰͍͚̞̣̱͑ͬͦ̉𝘄͊ͮ͋𝗲͒̾𝗿̰͍͚̞̣̱͑ͬͦ̉ 𝗯͙̦ͥ̍𝗲͒̾𝗻̫𝗲̫𝗮͈̮͈̝̪ͫ̅̐ͮ𝘁͙̦ͥ̍𝗵̆͒̾̓ 𝘁̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌𝗵̖͙̬̮͓ͮ̏ͤ𝗲̰͍͚̞̣̱͑ͬͦ̉ 𝘀̋͊ͮ𝘂̲̩̘̈́ͦ̐𝗿̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝗳̋͊ͮ𝗮͒̾𝗰̫𝗲͎̗̅ͥ,̂̾̾͑ͣͤ 𝗮͊ͮ͋ 𝘁̫𝗿̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌𝗮̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌𝗻̫𝘀͊ͮ͋𝗰͎̗̅ͥ𝗲͙̦ͥ̍𝗻̖͙̬̮͓ͮ̏ͤ𝗱̲̩̘̈́ͦ̐𝗲͈̮͈̝̪ͫ̅̐ͮ𝗻̋͊ͮ𝗰͎̗̅ͥ𝗲̊̈ 𝗳̽̈͊𝗿̆͒̾̓𝗼̽̈͊𝗺̫ 𝘁͙̦ͥ̍𝗵̊̈𝗲̫ 𝘄̋͊ͮ𝗲͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ𝗮͎̗̅ͥ𝗸̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗲̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝗿͙̦ͥ̍ 𝗳͎̗̅ͥ𝗼͊ͮ͋𝗿͈̮͈̝̪ͫ̅̐ͮ𝗺͊ͮ͋ 𝘆͒̾𝗼̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌𝘂͒̾ 𝗰̫𝗮͎̗̅ͥ𝗹̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗹̊̈ 𝗵̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝘂̫𝗺̲̩̘̈́ͦ̐𝗮̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝗻̲̩̘̈́ͦ̐ 𝗻̋͊ͮ𝗮̫𝘁̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝘂͒̾𝗿̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝗲͎̗̅ͥ 𝗵̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗲̋͊ͮ𝗿̰͍͚̞̣̱͑ͬͦ̉𝗲̫ 𝗶͈̮͈̝̪ͫ̅̐ͮ𝘁͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ'̖͙̬̮͓ͮ̏ͤ𝘀̋͊ͮ 𝗺̽̈͊𝘂̰͍͚̞̣̱͑ͬͦ̉𝗰͒̾𝗵̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌ 𝗺͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ𝗼̆͒̾̓𝗿̊̈𝗲͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ 𝗽̊̈𝗼͒̾𝘄̖͙̬̮͓ͮ̏ͤ𝗲̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌𝗿̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝗳̫𝘂̽̈͊𝗹͒̾ 𝘁̊̈𝗵̑ͤ͑̂̆͒̾̓͋𝗮̑ͤ͑̂̆͒̾̓͋𝗻͊ͮ͋ 𝗼̆͒̾̓𝗻̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗲̫ 𝗽̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗲̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗿̽̈͊𝘀̊̈𝗼͎̗̅ͥ𝗻͙̦ͥ̍ 𝗰͈̮͈̝̪ͫ̅̐ͮ𝗮̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝗻̋͊ͮ 𝗰͎̗̅ͥ𝗼̋͊ͮ𝗺̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗽̽̈͊𝗿̰͍͚̞̣̱͑ͬͦ̉𝗲̑ͤ͑̂̆͒̾̓͋𝗵͈̮͈̝̪ͫ̅̐ͮ𝗲͙̦ͥ̍𝗻̊̈𝗱͎̗̅ͥ.̫ 𝗧̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗵̖͙̬̮͓ͮ̏ͤ𝗲̽̈͊𝗿̽̈͊𝗲̑ͤ͑̂̆͒̾̓͋ 𝗮͎̗̅ͥ𝗿̑ͤ͑̂̆͒̾̓͋𝗲̲̩̘̈́ͦ̐ 𝗹̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝗮̖͙̬̮͓ͮ̏ͤ𝘄̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌𝘀͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ 𝗵̊̈𝗲̑ͤ͑̂̆͒̾̓͋𝗿̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌𝗲̆͒̾̓ 𝗶̋͊ͮ𝗻̽̈͊ 𝘁̲̩̘̈́ͦ̐𝗵̫𝗲͒̾ 𝗱͎̗̅ͥ𝗲̫𝗲̖͙̬̮͓ͮ̏ͤ𝗽̂̾̾͑ͣͤ 𝘁̋͊ͮ𝗵̊̈𝗮͙̦ͥ̍𝘁͎̗̅ͥ 𝗮͊ͮ͋𝗿̆͒̾̓𝗲̂̾̾͑ͣͤ 𝗱̆͒̾̓𝗶͎̗̅ͥ𝗳̆͒̾̓𝗳͎̗̅ͥ𝗲͈̮͈̝̪ͫ̅̐ͮ𝗿̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗲̑ͤ͑̂̆͒̾̓͋𝗻͊ͮ͋𝘁̫ 𝗳̽̈͊𝗿͈̮͈̝̪ͫ̅̐ͮ𝗼̰͍͚̞̣̱͑ͬͦ̉𝗺͒̾ 𝗼͎̗̅ͥ𝗻̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌𝗲̆͒̾̓𝘀͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ 𝘆̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗼̫𝘂̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒'͎̗̅ͥ𝗿͙̦ͥ̍𝗲͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ 𝘂̽̈͊𝘀͈̮͈̝̪ͫ̅̐ͮ𝗲̫𝗱̽̈͊ 𝘁͎̗̅ͥ𝗼͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ,̲̩̘̈́ͦ̐ 𝘀͊ͮ͋𝗼̋͊ͮ 𝗼̽̈͊𝗵͎̗̅ͥ 𝘀̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗵͎̗̅ͥ𝗶͒̾𝗻̊̈𝗼̊̈𝗯͙̦ͥ̍𝗶̑ͤ͑̂̆͒̾̓͋ 𝗺̫𝗶͊ͮ͋𝗻̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗲̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌,̋͊ͮ 𝗲̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝗺̽̈͊𝗯̊̈𝗿̋͊ͮ𝗮͊ͮ͋𝗰͊ͮ͋𝗲͒̾ 𝘁̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝗵̱̙̼͔̺̒͒̿̒𝗲͒̾ 𝗼̽̈͊𝗹̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌𝗱̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌ 𝘀͚͚̲̝͇̔ͮ͂͗ͦ𝗼̋͊ͮ𝗻̪͕͙̯̅ͬ̈ͯ̌𝗴̆͒̾̓ 𝗮͈̮͈̝̪ͫ̅̐ͮ𝗻̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝗱̊̈ 𝗹̂̾̾͑ͣͤ𝗼͒̾𝗿̊̈𝗲͊ͮ͋.

The Palace.
It is impossible for a mere human to reach such a depth beneath the Toran Ocean due to the constant maelstroms that prevent anything but the jellyfish from gaining access, but a human would be very lucky to survive such a brutal obstacle and gain access to the palace. Using the summoning technique, jellyfish can give an object to a person and have them transported to the Palace of the Trench without a contract. This passage is secretly created by the guardians that protect the palace. Through a powerful current, the guardians can reach remote or isolated regions far across the globe even shinobi's who are given shroud of sage aura that protects them as they ride the current.

The Throne Room.
Palaces in trenches can be mobilized when needed, but such precautions are not always necessary unless the secret of their home is threatened by an opposing force that aims to destroy them. This is an incredibly rare occasion since the palace has been in the Toran region for millennia.
Every sixteen years, the ruler of the region changes. When an elder becomes a monarch, his or her life span ends at 29 while some may outlive their life expectancy and remain in office until their death, but sea life is not so inclined to accept outsiders as their monarch.