Rainbow Undecimber also known as Niji Jū Sangatsu, The rainbow-colored thirteenth moon. The Rainbow Undecimber is several crystal orbs that have an inventory wheel accompanying it. The wielder can store multiple items inside, and it's most commonly used to store and share chakra from all of the weapons and weapon wielders. It also is where a weapon appears when it is lost, or damaged, or if its original wielder dies and the attunement ceremony is rejected by the new wielder. The initial ability allows the inventory to manifest copies of the 12 other weapons-based forms, it can not awaken the copies. Anyone of the twelve weapon users can access this, as long as the main wielder allows them to use it. The original wielder is however the only one that can access its awakening. After its awakening the wielder gains use of the infinite seven astral flame ability. This allows the wielder to create and manipulate eight different will flames, with eight different effects.

- Red Storm Flame of Destruction: Degeneration, Causes things to corrode.
The Red Flame deals different levels of damage depending on how much rage or anger the person coming in contact with it has. It's the slowest flame but the longest reaching. It draws out the anger and instability in enemies by inducing a natural genjutsu whenever the target comes in close proximity to the flame. The genjutsu isn't difficult to release but if one succumbs to frenzy they will start to sustain increasing levels of damage from it. While its damage varies from person to person it always does maximum damage on objects, being able to disintegrate whatever part it touches on contact. Condensing it makes it that much stronger against objects. (Long Range)
- Yellow Sun Flame of Reinvigoration: Activation, can increase productivity, and speed.
The Yellow Flame is slightly faster, but slightly shorter in reaching power than the Red Flame. Not only can it heal the body and fatigue but also has a natural genjutsu of its own that affects the emotions of others, forcing a sense of euphoria, and energy onto on who are exposed to its flames. While its healing factor in short bursts is limited to that of which normal medical ninjutsu is capable. Treatments over an extended period of time, however, can create and reform missing limbs. The happiness of the user can strengthen the flame to increase its potency slightly. (Long Range)
- Orange Sky Flame of Harmony: Petrification, this flame gives the mental disposition of a non-violent tendency towards balance. The Orange Flame grows stronger with emotions such as hope, encouragement, and confidence. It burns hotter against those of malice and impure convictions, while it's nearly harmless against those of pure heart and soul. Its reach is shorter than the yellow flame but the speed it travels is faster than it. It specializes in balance and harmony, doing more damage to those resistant to those qualities. Like the others, it has its own natural genjutsu that takes effect on a hit. Taking sustained damage from this flame forces one into a passive state where their aggression is torn away. Because of this, its damage becomes less effective the more the genjutsu takes hold. (Long Range)
- Green Lighting Flame of Fortification: Solidification, enhances the defense of things. The Green Flame has a faster spread, but lower reach than the previous flames. This flame of endurance grows stronger with willpower. The flame projects hardening onto something that doesn't have it and penetrates objects with force instead of burning. Unlike the natural genjutsu of the others, the lightning flame has a high activation time but its effect is limited to a single attack. The lighting flame can influence one's mind and chakra either giving them hyper armor for the next attack, dramatically reducing the damage they take, or lowering their defense to cause the next attack against them to deal enhanced damage. (A critical hit.) (Mid Range)
- Blue Rain Flame of Peace: Tranquility, affects energy in one's body and causes fatigue. The flames provide the wielder and allies a welcoming relief from pain and fatigue, helping them move freely and reduce blood loss quickly. As well as a calm clear state of mind, making it formidable against genjutsu. While it is faster than the previously mentioned flames, the distance that it can be used is much more limited. Its natural genjutsu is constantly activated and can lull those who come into contact with it several times to a sleeping state, making them increasingly lethargic with each hit, otherwise not dealing any damage to them. It also slows down the rate at which chakra can be molded as used, as well as objects. While the range is smaller this flame offers more control and can easily create rain constructs to trap people in, finding themselves with a loss of their will to fight, or simply falling asleep. This flame grows stronger when the user is calm and weaker otherwise. (Mid Range)
- Indigo Mist Flame of Fabrication: Construction, able to combine genjutsu, affecting the six senses even. The Indigo Flame grows stronger with characteristics of truth and fear. Providing enhanced clarity to the person's perception by telling them the effect of the genjutsu you're putting them under makes it more potent by placing a law of equivalent exchange on via the genjutsu. The flame wielder instead of burning targets, causes them to convulse the truth to the wielder to break the genjutsu’s. It is most effective in bursts because of its erratic flame and has heavy ties to the emotion of fear that causes it to grow stronger. Although revealing truths breaks down the genjutsu, manifesting a target's fear can also strengthen it. The wielder is able to chain two genjutsu together. (Close Range)
- Purple Cloud Flame of Multiplicity: Propagation, can cause things to grow, and multiply. The Violet Flame provides the wielder with a clarity they did not previously have. Placing them in a zone where their movements and mental state can't be confined by their opponent. The flame also causes things that it is placed on to propagate, the smaller the object, the more times it can. Like the Indigo flame, it doesn't burn anything it touches. (Close Range)
- White Snow Flame of Stillness: Immobilization, Can hold things in place even if it's not part of its natural motion. Unlike the Sky Flame, the Snow Flame can stop objects in place and in space. While the Sky Flame affects only the willingness towards aggression. Though the flame is extremely fast, it must be applied either by touch with a weapon or object that you and the target are touching. (Close Range)
Ayarin is the expressive soul that inhabits the Rainbow Undecimber. She is full of curiosity and a rebellious nature. Her childlike tendencies usually cause others to overlook that. Coloring and drawing are her two favorite pastimes, and she is very expressive in her art just as she is with her emotions. Anyone who disrespects art feels her wrath or mildly unpleasant brattiness.