Crafted by the adept hands of Ketsugo Uzumaki, the Red Canvass, also known as the Endless Coffin Seal, stands as a testament to intricate sealing artistry. This complex technique comprises numerous interconnected elements and parts, woven together in a highly intelligent manner to create a singular yet boundless sealing formula. The Red Canvass thrives on its ever-evolving nature, evolving in tandem with Ketsugo's expanding knowledge.
Similar to the Infinite Cipher Seal, this sealing formula incorporates an abundance of abstract numbers and esoteric scientific principles. Its labyrinthine structure houses authoritative orders and directions, fostering millions of communication channels within its framework. The formula intertwines various elements, including numerical values, symbols like kanji, demotic, musical notes, scales, chords, nodes, runes, hieratic, asemic, and archaic inscriptions. This diverse array of interconnected information makes decoding the formula an insurmountable challenge, requiring access to the entirety of its vast complexity.
For added security and to deter any attempts at probing, hashing, or reversing the technique, the Red Canvass employs several encryption methods within its boundless framework. One such method involves the integration of thousands of ciphertexts, creating a randomized algorithm that visually appears as a countermeasure against unauthorized access. This randomized algorithm operates in a continuous manner, generating new randomizations with each passing moment. Infused with Ketsugo's linguistic craftsmanship, this algorithm allows meanings to be defined by the randomness itself, adding an additional layer of complexity.
The Red Canvass is masterfully formed through the utilization of Yin-Yang Release, imbuing the sealing formula with the ever-evolving essence of the user's spiritual and physical energy. When applied to a specific location, the formula becomes an extension of the user's will, responding to their commands. If placed on a victim, the seal permanently embeds itself within the victim's chakra network, establishing an unbreakable connection with profound consequences. The Red Canvass, with its intricate design and multifaceted security measures, stands as a formidable testament to Ketsugo's sealing prowess.