Red October Aka Jūgatsu, Red tenth moon. The Red October is an Odachi with a red hilt and sheath. The sword ability specializes in turning the opponents' strengths against them, or to your own. The standard ability of the weapon creates red spheres of chakra that levitate in proximity to the wielder. The wielder can use incredibly dense spheres to hold things in place, or attack opponents. The user can also absorb the spheres into the blade and release a massive energy blast slash. After awakening the weapon stores up power from a combination of kinetic force and chakra that it steals from the target every time they are hit. The power of the sword is amplified more with each strike. Spectral rings appear around the hilt of the sword signifying how much power is stored. After the third ring appears a blood-colored aura can be seen covering the sword's sheath. Once the blade is covered in this aura the wieldered can unleash a more powerful blasting slash than previously displayed, or in place of that blade the bloodied sword into the sheath and cause a cursed reaction to the blood of those inside of the sheath. The curse makes minor injuries more severe and regenerates the wielder for as much damage as the cursed targets took. In addition, the wielder can take on the spectral form of an oni, having two additional spectral crimson arms, and two more eyes.

Sekketsu is the soul inside of the Red October. She excels at swordsmanship and dedicates herself to hard work, determination, and perseverance. Though she can seem pretty aloof, she's actually very friendly and kind. She is very hot-blooded when it comes to combat and doesn't shy away from letting her opponents know, even though she says things in the heat of the moment that she regrets later. Generally, the way she expresses all her emotions is passionate and over the top. She tends to carry grudges, which can make her a difficult partner to work with. She hates injustice with a passion.