The Tōrō Dojutsu Satorigan (Enlightenment, or awakened eye.) like the Sharingan and the Byakugan, the Satorigan is a mutation born from the Otsutski Clan. As discovered by the first user when they are born their vision either fades or they are simply born without sight. Their ocular power and potential build until emergence, often revealing itself when the user reaches a state of enlightenment. Due to their reliance on other senses, Satorigan users tend to have very keen senses besides sight. The most notable abilities of the clan include dark matter and dark energy manipulation, as well as manipulation of the soul, and the emotions of others. Those who are under the influence of darkness benefit from a boost in the ability to use elements that are influenced by the moon. In addition, those who have strong bonds with the user be it of hate, or love and comradery gain more from this ability.
Satorigan users also have basic sensory capabilities that revolve around empathy, waves, and wavelengths. This allows the user to see the mental energies of those in their surroundings in various colors according to how the individual in view feels. The user's eyes have a film that protects their sight against extreme levels of light and also gives them nearly perfect vision in the dark. Users also benefit from high levels of chakra control. The user, similar to the Sharingan, and Byakuugan, can tell if someone is under a genjutsu due to them being able to see their mental energy. Doujutsu users have a natural affinity for water and the yin chakra. The Doujutsu users must go through four states of enlightenment to gain complete mastery over their eyes and abilities. Mastery of the four states of enlightenment creates the enlightened one, united in mind, will, body, and soul. Mastery of the mind can only be completed with the training of the mind and perspective. Mastery of will can only be granted by training in endurance and the precipice of limitations. Mastery of the body can only be attained through significant physical training. Mastery of the soul can only be attained after extensive meditation in areas of great significance flowing with natural energy, and all chakras must be unblocked and opened.
Awakening Title: Ryūsui Mikazuki Awakening Description: Ryūsui Mikazuki the first state of the Satorigan allows the user to use dark release, otherwise known as Meiton. Meiton is seen as a smoke-like energy that interacts with objects by absorbing traits of one attribute and applying it momentarily to another by equipping Meiton with it, and/or a deteriorating property to it. Ryusui Mikazuki also gives the user the ability to amplify the gamma waves of their brains allowing them to heighten their senses and cognitive functions, insight, and motor function output and perceive others' gamma waves via sight.
Awakening Weakness: Through means of meditation or being placed under a genjutsu or put to sleep the user will be unable to read other gamma waves effectively due to them being in a lull state where the brain has a lower output of them. Darkness release can only apply its deterioration to one sense per hit at a time. The deterioration aspect can only be applied to the opponent after the dark release itself has adapted to their chakra signature, having a time threshold for new opponents.
Awakening Title: Hangetsu Awakening Description:
Awakening Weakness:
Release Title: Zekkai Mangetsu Awakening Description: Zekkai Mangetsu is a mode that draws on the power of space, dark energy, and Yin energy. By giving the dark energy form creating dense chakra constructs voided of light, producing powerful dense chakra. As the user wears this like a shifting second skin it can also make for a versatile organic weapon. Though the form can vary depending on the user, each Zekkai tends to have the standard appearance of a dark flame-like aura. An incomplete Zekkai has a dynamic cloak-like form, while a mature Zekkai takes the shape of what fits the user's imagination. In addition, the dark matter constructs can absorb light, and manipulate light perceived by others. The constructs allow the user to manipulate and stretch the Zekkai as they see fit like casting a shadow assuming they have gathered the chakra to do so. The presence of Zekkai empowers shadow-based, Yin-based, and water-based techniques. A Zekkai is mastered by the domination of negative feelings. Zekkai mode empties the wielder's mind leaving them in a state of calm, making them cold, calculating, and emotionless with a self-inflicted genjutsu. Allowing them to push past their limits without feeling pain or fatigue.
Technique Weakness: The construct absorption of light is limited to weaker light attacks and moonlight only not natural daylight. Any additional light besides that of moonlight causes the mode to degenerate like flash bombs. Light caused by fire and fire release, as well as lightning and lightning release, causes the mode to dissolve according to strength. Even flash bombs can cause degeneration. During storms, each flash of lightning creates an opening. During the daytime, this mode cannot be used at all unless inside a cave or other shaded areas. Brute force to a degree can also shatter the dark constructs. In addition, the dark release will have a drop in power during the daytime. The dark chakra must be modified for the Zekkai to take shape.
Awakening Title: Shinkai Shingetsu Awakening Description: Shinkai Shingetsu draws on the solar power of space and astral bodies. Merging dark energy gathered from space, with chakra in the body. The user produces darkness enhanced with Yin-Yang release to create a physical extension of their soul known as their soul self. The Soul self takes the shape unique to the wielder's reflection of self. The soul self senses are all linked to the Satorigans wielder's perception. The soul self itself has adaptation to damage from the basic five chakra natures. Every time it sustains damage from them it comes back with a stronger resistance threshold. The soul self's main ability is referred to as the Lines Of Sanzu, which is represented by three halo-like lines forming around the soul self or the user, based on the Sanzu River of three crossings, the way to the afterlife. The first line representing the bridge is the manifestation of the soul self astral projection-like form, having a unique ability to interact with other dimensions. The second line representing the shallows allows the soul self to read the very nature of people's souls, and interact with them, being able to do things like save people from possession or contain curses, read people's emotions, and disorientate someone's soul by attacking it directly. The third Sanzu line the deep has the ability known as a wave of madness. Being able to influence the emotional state of others in a certain range makes them go berserk with rage, love, or fear, as well as tune different soul wavelengths to each other for enhanced power with soul resonance. With meditation the Satorigan wielder can hide the appearance of the soul self by manipulating the dark energy it uses, cloaking it in it.
Awakening Weakness: The Soul self can be tracked by means like sage mode and other enhanced sensory abilities that can pick up dark energy. For any of the abilities of the soul self to work the target has to be in view of the wielder, or the soul self by extension. Manipulation of emotions will not work on those under genjutsu or those of sound mind.