Naruto Roleplay Wiki
Naruto Roleplay Wiki

The user wraps their body in a layer of Scorch Release chakra, causing them to emit immense heat while shining brightly. The heat sooths the users muscles, preventing them from being strained and it increases the users endurance several times over along with the power of heat based ninjutsu, mainly that of the Scorch Release. It also prevents lactic acid buildup in the users muscles. The heat emitted from the user is so intense that it can burn away tempered steel within seconds and even overpower an expert user of Ice Release capable of constantly sustaining a temperature of absolute zero. The Scorch Release Chakra also defends the user from most attacks, deflecting them away on contact with whips of flame.

Preforming Taijutsu in this enhanced state allows one to preform Nintaijutsu.
