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The Sealing Kunai (苦無封印, Fuin Kauni, VIZ: Marked Kunai) is a special set of Kunai created by Tentai to have multiple purposes tailored for each kunai.


The tool serves as a medium for Tentai's basic sealing techniques, which can bind, seal, or release items from seals with timers, in a similar fashion of a explosive tag. However, it can also serve as a medium for his strongest sealing techniques, though these require an intensive period of time to prepare. One type can be used as a medium for the Summoning Technique to summon weapons or animals, while another can be used to utilize the Chakra Disguise seal to distract enemies who possess a Kekkei Genkai for seeing chakra. Yet another can seal a explosive yang bomb, which can then be released by the seal itself to strike the area wherever the kunai lands.

Basic Level
NOTED: Tentai has this in his inventory - prepared
A list of seals behind each Kunai

  • Summoning Seal Kunai: The seal is designed to summon an item or animal of the user's choice through the Summoning Seal.
  • Binding Seal Kunai: The seal is designed to bind and restrain those it hits with a strength of C-rank or D-Rank
  • Yodama Seal Kunai: The seal contained a Yodama prepared by Tentai in which when released it can explode with the force of a weakened yodama. (It is compared to a genin-level force)
  • Chakra Disguise Seal Kunai: The seal employs the chakra in which it uses the principle of Chakra Disguise technique to transform the kunai to any chakra signature of the user's choice.
  • ??? Seal Kunai:
  • ??? Seal Kunai:

Max Level
NOTED: Tentai has to prepare this in character. It does not exist yet.
A list of seals behind each Kunai - it is said to be kage-leveled seals.

  • Twelve Trigrams Sealing Style Seal Kunai: The seal consists of two Kunai: one acts as the receiver, and the other as the sender. Each Kunai bears a Twelve Trigram Sealing Style that can imprint onto a tailed beast or entity through the first Kunai for it to be sealed and sent to whoever is struck by the second Kunai.


Because of the timer seals, it can be exploited by those who know what the tools can do, making it possible to use them against Tentai if utilized properly. Furthermore, Tentai has to create a new set of seals from scratch each time making a minisucle delay.


  • The tools are based on the Vortex Inflow Scroll and Explosive Tag to employ things in a quick succession. It was created in response to his quick-thinking mindset.
    • It is said to be similar to how Minato Namikaze performs the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport things; however, the difference is that this one requires something to be sealed beforehand.