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Shabaka (شبكة, network) is a chunin-level shinobi from the Hidden Sand Village (砂隠れの里, Sunagakure no Sato) and is the jinchūriki of the One-Tail.

Personality: Shabaka is known for his exceptional intelligence and combat prowess, often standing out among his peers. His sharp mind can be attributed to his cautious nature. Despite his good-hearted nature, Shabaka willingly bears the burdens of a shinobi, enduring suffering for the sake of others. This selflessness has garnered him significant support during his upbringing, molding him into a fearless and confident individual. This fearlessness doesn't manifest in a loud or boisterous personality. Shabaka's invulnerable body allows him to maintain a laid-back and easy-going demeanor in combat, a quality that extends to his interactions with friends. However, when discussing important matters, he adopts a focused and responsible attitude to ensure his message is clear and not misconstrued. Shabaka cannot simply stand by when serious issues arise; he feels a compelling urge to express his emotions and release stress. He becomes quite vocal and passionate when excited. Despite his relaxed disposition, Shabaka is proactive outside of missions, actively seeking ways to enhance the quality of life for individuals and communities within the Wind Country. He believes that even impacting one person at a time can make a significant difference in the world, acknowledging that while perpetual peace may be unattainable, brief moments of peace and happiness are still profoundly meaningful.

Appearance: Shabaka is a striking and fearless man with handsome features and a rich brown complexion. His distinctive appearance is crowned by a voluminous afro that frames his face. He boasts a slender yet exceptionally well-defined physique, proudly displaying his chiseled form without wearing a shirt, drawing the attention of those around him. His skin has a smooth, radiant quality, accentuating his muscular strength. To accentuate his physique, Shabaka typically adorns himself in a long, open black coat adorned with dark red markings on the back and shoulders. Beneath this coat, he wears a dark red interior, complemented by jet-black pants and the standard-issue black ninja sandals.

Main Abilities: []

Ninjutsu: Similar to many Sunagakure shinobi, Shabaka possesses a natural affinity for Wind Release. He demonstrates mastery in this element, capable of conjuring powerful gusts, creating tornadoes, manipulating air pressure, and shaping the atmosphere through precise hand seals and chakra control. Shabaka employs Wind Release not only for offensive purposes but also to enhance his speed and technique effectiveness when needed. In addition to Wind Release, he possesses a secondary affinity for Earth Release, displaying proficient skills in this element. As a result of this draining technique, the leftover material becomes sand. Shabaka demonstrates exceptional proficiency in using D-rank techniques effectively to subdue opponents who employ more advanced techniques. He employs academic maneuvers to apply pressure to his targets, strategically exploiting the strengths and weaknesses of each technique within his arsenal. Shabaka executes basic techniques such as Shadow Clone and Substitution flawlessly, as well as their derivatives and other advanced skills. He excels in fundamental techniques like the Transformation Technique, Chakra Flow, Body Flicker, Body Replacement, and Chakra Control. Shabaka possesses remarkable speed and strength, enabling him to compete effectively with the swiftest and most powerful adversaries. He seamlessly utilizes his Sand Body Transfer ability to move swiftly and skillfully through his surroundings.

Taijutsu/Nintaijutsu: Shabaka's primary focus lies in mastering close-quarters combat techniques, which involve skillful manipulation of body weight and the ability to convert body parts into sand for seamless maneuverability. This expertise complements his unique mixed martial arts style, characterized by fluid and unrestricted combat tactics. In combat, Shabaka frequently employs a combination of striking techniques involving both hands and legs, supplementing them with grapples, submissions, and throws to incapacitate his opponents effectively. His exceptional reflexes enable him to execute well-timed counters and strikes with a decisive purpose, leaving no room for wasted movements. One of Shabaka's distinctive abilities is the employment of the Sand Body Transfer Technique. Through this technique, he conceals ninja tools and curse seals within his sand-formed limbs and weapons. He often takes adversaries by surprise by transforming his limbs or weapons into sand to launch unexpected attacks, or by causing sand spikes to emerge from various parts of his body as a defense mechanism in response to physical assaults.

Juinjutsu: Shabaka possesses a formidable Juinjutsu. He can seamlessly channel the sealing formula from any part of his limbs. This ability holds remarkable power, capable of immobilizing virtually anything that crosses its path, leaving no room for escape. The sealing formula generates a potent magnetic field, making it effective in restraining even the most physically imposing foes, formidable monsters, or individuals with extraordinary raw chakra reserves. Shabaka relies on this technique regularly.

Sand Body Technique

Shabaka's technique, often employed during combat, serves as his most effective supplemental move, serving both offensive and defensive purposes. This technique enables Shabaka to engage in combat without worrying about getting hit, as it negates most of the damage inflicted on him. His mastery of this technique reflexively causes the sand to defend him. Generally mistaken as a passive ability, although it is not and functions under a condition. When expecting to take damage, Shabaka's body instinctively converts itself into sand, effectively becoming a sandbag capable of negating the effects of almost all physical strikes. This ability reflexively reacts and protects him with incredible speed, allowing him to cover long distances rapidly when converting his body or body parts into sand. He can even wrap around a target and bind them with incredible physical force. The strength behind his sand body can also be enhanced by chakra flow, enabling his body to harden and compact to resemble the Shield of Sand. Moreover, when struck by a physical assault, Shabaka can use the sand to either loosen or constrict around the striker, setting them up for a surprise by manipulating the sand into limbs, weapons, or structures to strike targets in immediate proximity. He can also utilize close-to-mid-range projectiles, being virtually invulnerable to damage. Shabaka can travel over long distances as a rushing sandstorm while maintaining control over the sand and producing more to widen the area of effect of the sandstorm as desired. This ability is useful as his chakra permeates throughout the sandstorm, and the grains of sand can be manipulated to strike, even posing a threat of getting into the eyes of those caught within. This ability is particularly effective against dojutsu users, as the sandstorm will appear with Shabaka's chakra color. It is a quite powerful technique, allowing for a wide variety of abilities and easy collaborations with his dehydration trait, presenting an even greater challenge to enemies in desert areas.

Unique Trait: Using his sand as a medium, he is able to absorb the moisture from most materials, not including people, rapidly draining subjects simultaneously of liquid and chakra. As a result of this draining technique, the leftover material becomes sand.

Magnet Release Usage

Shabaka's Magnet Style does not focus on manipulating traditional metals but rather enhances the lethality of his close-to-mid-range techniques by utilizing his magnetic restraint seal. Notably, he can release his magnetic chakra into the surroundings, enabling him to detect shifts and disturbances in the magnetic fields. This unique ability allows him to locate and track living creatures by their electromagnetic auras. With specific control over polarizing forces, Shabaka can exert a push-and-pull effect on himself. This capability grants him the power of flight by utilizing a repulsive force against the planet's magnetic field, allowing him to propel himself in a desired direction. His primary application of the magnet ability involves combining it with his sand body technique for his magnetic restraint seal.

Magnetic Restraint Seal: The Magnetic Confinement Seal is a formidable juinjjutsu technique that leverages the power of Magnet Release chakra to bind and restrain a target's movement. To initiate the seal, Shabaka first draws a symbols on a surface or in the air, or on his sand through the sand body technique to begin channeling their chakra into the markings. Unlike more complex seals, its function is straightforward. The magnetic force exerted by the seal ensures that these metallic components are firmly drawn towards the surface or object, rendering them immobile. the magnetic force's sole objective is to immobilize the metallic objects within its reach. This leads to an immediate, unbreakable restraint, effectively restricting the target's movements and incapacitating them for the duration of the seal's activation. The simplicity of the Magnetic Bind Seal makes it an invaluable tool in situations where precision and speed are of the essence. Once the seal is initiated, it requires minimal chakra expenditure and concentration, allowing the user to swiftly immobilize a target with metallic gear or weaponry. Disruption by opponents is exceptionally challenging due to the seal's straightforward and self-contained nature. While this technique lacks the adaptability of more complex seals, its efficiency in binding and restraining a target's movements makes it an indispensable asset.

Sensory Method

Unlike most shinobi of his generation who possess chakra sensory skills, Shabaka cannot detect any chakra signatures unless they are within reasonable proximity or of significant volume and strength. His method of sensory perception relies on a unique connection with the land. As long as one of his feet remains in contact with the ground, he can feel even the faintest vibrations from it, enabling him to predict the movements of objects or individuals, regardless of their speed. Information is transferred to him instantly from the land, making it extremely difficult for anyone to sneak up on him. However, when both of his feet are off the ground, Shabaka loses the intimate connection he has with the land. Unfortunately, he has not trained his other senses sufficiently to pick up on high-speed movements. As a result, he may lose his sense of direction and become vulnerable to threats. Prolonged disconnection from the land can make him feel unwell, akin to sea-sickness. There have been instances when he was overwhelmed, and couldn't gather enough sand particles before a barrage, causing him to lose almost all sense of direction. To circumvent this problem, Shabaka employs two strategies. First, he uses magnet chakra to interact with magnetic fields. Alternatively, he utilizes the Concealed Sand Picture Technique, dispersing his sand particles all around him within a certain radius. These sand particles are typically invisible to the naked eye, but they interact with the environment. Anything that touches or disturbs them will alert Shabaka to the presence of objects and people nearby. This technique is also frequently used to thwart other trackers from detecting him. By infusing more chakra into the pre-existing sand particles, each particle emits his chakra, confusing sensors. With numerous particles exhibiting irregular distributions and grouping, they create countless chakra signals, making it exceedingly challenging to pinpoint Shabaka's precise location.


- As a master of sand manipulation, Shabaka's sand suffers when foreign materials that hinder his control are mixed in with his sand. Examples of this are explosive clay, oil, or heavier minerals such as Gold Dust.
