Naruto Roleplay Wiki
Naruto Roleplay Wiki

The Shugendo Robe is one of the Exalted Hermit Treasures (尊仙宝, "Mikotosentakara") and is given to the most skilled and prominent Monkey Sage. The last known owner of the robe alongside the other treasures was the most famous member of the clan to ever live, Lord Yamazaru Sarugami.


It can take the form of any piece of clothing the wearer desires as once it is worn it forms a kind of bond with the wearer. For Yamazaru it took the form of a rose-colored haori he wears sometimes draped over his shoulders. Though that is only when it is in its dormant or sealed form as once the wearer wills it the Shugendo Robe will transform and take its true form of a baboon skin that covers the entire body of the wearer and leaves enough to drag along the ground around them. A mask covers their face while the new skin completely conceals everything about their presence down to the very life force of the individual; it is even impossible to hear them and the only possible way to perceive the individual is by catching a look visually.

It is also incredibly durable and can survive even the harshest of weather, heat, cold and impalement.
