The Toro clan is made up of various individuals and can be viewed more as a brotherhood or organization than a typical functional clan. Though the primary-born members have use of the Satorigan, the clan is known to accept members from different clans and families into its ranks. Though most have to undergo a rite of ascension before they can formally join the clan, the rite can be conducted or overseen by any active clan member. The initiate must go through the trails to awaken each of their seven chakras to become enlightened, however, it is possible if one shows great promise to be accepted into the clan after completing the first trial. If this is done the member that vouched for them must look over them as a mentor and coach them along their path. While most of the benefit in clan hood comes by proxy of being in proximity of a member with Satorigan for a boost in power to one's ninjutsu prowess, the clan also has resources of the 13-month series, Nin-Kenjutsu Sword Art techniques, and various fuinjutsu as well as access to the clan's chakra pool and chakra zone technique.
The Toro collectively are each renowned for either their skilled martial, or weaponry prowess. Many within the organization train in several martial arts and modify previously taught forms to help their students create their own unique style of fighting using martial arts as a base. This paired with their rigorous training methods elevates one to their peak potential without the dependence on kekkei genkai. By boosting one's foundation it is taught that in time the fundamentals will give birth to a new variation of power. Through training the mind, with meditation, the will with endurance training, the body with physical training, and the soul by training the spirit and opening all the chakras one reaches a state of enlightenment where they benefit in a boon of enhancement to all base physical abilities and senses.
Chakra Zone is an ability that the clan often pairs with their Sword Arts. However, its unique application is often compared to sage jutsu. Instead of pulling natural energy inside of oneself and molding sage chakra, the user of Chakra Zone creates a condensed radius of chakra around them. To perform this users will need perfect or near-perfect levels of chakra control so that they don't waste chakra, or have some alternate method of a stop-gap to help compensate. Keeping the molded chakra in a dense area around them the user they're able to use triggers to activate jutsu precisely originating at any point inside of the condensed chakra zone. Due to most of the Toro being trained to use weapons as extensions of themselves, they can use sword stances in place of hand signs to activate jutsu in the area.