Naruto Roleplay Wiki
Naruto Roleplay Wiki

The Kosarujubo (小猿銃棒, Little Monkey Gunsticks) is the signature technique of the two youngest monkeys that make up the trio of monkeys that form Three Monkey Brothers, Iwazaru and Kikazaru.


The technique is an made possible due to the great natural skill that all Monkey's seem to posses in the Transformation Technique. It allows the two brothers to take on the form of Twin Tonfa, while within this form they are similar to Ishizaru in the fact that they boast great durability. Unfortunately, their durability in weapon form isn't nearly as advanced as Ishizaru's.

On the bright side though, while they aren't as durable they posses a unique ability which allows them to channel, focus and release compressed chakra projectiles. These projectiles can be simply basic projectiles of raw compressed chakra, or with the right training by the wielder raw natural energy. Most commonly seen usage of this ability is for elemental chakra natures to be used through the Tonfa as a medium to consume less chakra. The tonfa also seem to posses a similar ability to Ishizaru in the fact that they can extend and retract.


  • The inspiration for this technique came from Nick aka Sam'e Narukagami who found the concept that led to this while playing Noih 2.
  • Since only the two younger brothers transform with this technique, Mizaru the eldest and leader of the three tends to get jealous and complain.