The Water of Time is an ancient stream of water that can be discovered within the dimension of Zoshima, centered between the edge of the dimension and Zoshima. Due to the water of time's connection to the time stream itself, it retained all memories of, what could happen and had happened.
The Waters of Time or also referred to as the ambiguous, The Beginning of Forever. These waters reside within the realm of Zoshima, the origins of how it has gotten there are even a mystery to the Triad. It is rumored these waters created Zoshima or the primordial elephant created these very waters. These folklore waters have many different interpretations throughout mankind, despite not being around the world for millenniums.
The Beginning of Forever, are waters which flow throughout the dimension of the isle of Elephants. The volume of water is seemingly endless, and fills the ever-growing dimension with more water as time progresses. As time passes throughout the realms of space and time, every action and detail is recorded within these records - these waters. These waters seemingly gathering more information as existence continues. In reality, beings function by free will, instinct or natural or unnatural occurrence. These waters are able to record information from other universes and parallel timelines/time-streams. Such an extraordinary function by these primordial waters has forced the Isle of Elephants to be protected by its apparent creator. Standing in the realms of the Isles of the Elephant, acting as its ultimate shield and sword. But never interfering unless someone threatened even the Triad (スリー, The Three) or commonly known as the The Fates (運命, Unmei) As time had went on the progenitor of the Isles, has continually grown in size to proportion of the dimes growing. The power within the god is worshipped by all inhabitants of Isles, as he's literally supporting the civilization of Zoshima upon its back. The primordial elephant told the fates, it is the waters that sustains and continues the everlasting strength within his body - using the energy of time for sustenance whether or not this is true is unknown. The Triad are known across Zoshima, to be able to completely manipulate this realm as if it was a limb - as the gods of the realm everything within it's space and time are subjugated to their manipulation.
Spring of Wells[]
Spring of Wells (井戸の春, "Ido no haru", "Waterfall Wells") Is the origin location deep underneath the sea of Zoshima, hidden within the Cave of All Knowledge . Within this ancient cave is the opening where time is transferred through from different universes and realities, that natural energy converges into one - filtered and processed of all impurities - creating the natural energy within this dimension. The combination of energy results in the primordial nature energy of Zoshima to be unquestionably powerful and potent that its rumored to be treacherous and gruesome. However, those that master sage mode within this dimension can typically access the transformation quickly and command greater and larger amounts of nature. Coming from the spring of well also is tremendous amounts of life-force and vitality that supplements the life in this dimension; those suffering grave injury could be dipped in the Waters of Time and recover from nearly any affliction.
Understanding the Waters of Time
1. The Flow of Streams
Without creation there is no time, without creation there is no mass. The nonpareil realm of Zoshima, is a convergence of all that which was, which is, and which is to come. The depths of time are seemingly endless, ever-growing, and expanding. Time throughout the realms, dimensions, universes, multiverses, and realities are all recorded within the mystical waters. Every action and detail throughout time is gathered information, and through timelines and time-streams connecting to Zoshima serves as its source of energy. The amount of time that exist throughout existence is incredible, the convergence of energies is filtered and processed of all impurities – creating the natural energy within the fate’s realm.
Understanding the Basis
2. Primordial and Innovative Energy
Time is prehistoric, its primeval nature is raw and unfiltered. Time rawness has allowed for the times energy to be uninterrupted. While time has progressed, it has also found refinement recollection through invaluable experiences, memories, and created opportunities. With the congregation of endless possibilities, due to the result of time being combined the consequence of its energies results in the primordial nature energy existing within the realm of elephants. The strength of the primordial energy of time is incontestably powerful, allowing the inhabitants within to be incredible powerful as well as the mastery over its sage techniques extraordinarily grim.
Understanding the Power of Time
3. The Power of Time
The power of the waters is cosmic, the expansive depths of its dynamism is capable of manifesting abnormalities. The voyage of time is complex, as well as handling the forces of its nature. The natural energy within the waters is hefty, a mishap of handling it drags those within the currents of the time-line or the more forgiving consequence of transforming failures into elephant’s tusk. The heftiness is concurrent with a firmness, and sophistication behind its composition. The sonata of time is delicate, and to control the natural energy within a user must have large chakra reserves, great chakra control, and a powerful body to endure the sheer magnitude of its enormous unmitigated might and a powerful mind to withstand interminable knowledge.
Buoyance of the Well Springs
4. Healing of Time
The waters which flow from time are the waters that reveals awe-inspiring vitality and vivacity. Time is endless, limitless, and infinite. The collective energy of time is nonsensical, and the physical and spiritual forces of it are unreasonable. The capabilities of the beginning of forever, in the sense of restoration and health-giving is tremendous. The strength and vigor these waters possess can virtually renovate anything. The intricate alignment of times energy is capable of cleansing and purifying the foulest and stoutest of energies, whether it be from men, deities, transcendent or other beings. With a continual flow of time, the wellsprings are never empty, always being deposited with dynamism allowing the potential of healing time to be used in ways unimagined. Zoshima has made it known to all fates to use infrequently, an order for extreme caution and discretion to be used whenever enacting its prowess. This is because when healing through time, the user is subjected to consequence. Time is limitless and so too is the healing of its capabilities but a cost must be paid.
The sages of this realm can all look into the waters and be able to observe time from the past, present and future. To find what one is looking is for all one needs is the intent and desire, through curiosity searching time-lines/time-streams for information can be done. The Triad can all access this however currently, Zenzō is the only one alongside the progenitor who actively looks through the waters. A feature of these waters allows the sage of this dimension to enter different time streams and timelines and also, allow Isles of the Elephant to go into the past, present or future. Ketsugo Uzumaki is also someone now, through his direct connection to the Waters of Time can pry and travel into time.