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Naruto Roleplay Wiki

Zōnotatakai is known as the "elephant of the clouds" as well as referred to as being "the fighting elephant" because of his aggressive nature. Zōnotatakai is known to have little amounts of tolerance for any and everyone, not hesitating to fight or challenge any inhabitant of Zoshima, except Zenzō.


Residing within the esoteric space-time realm of Zoshima, Zōnotatakai is one of the oldest in beings in existence and has played an integral role to the society. As one of the Fates also referred to as a member of the Triad, the Sage role is to rule the realm with laws and regulations. It is one of his key duties to maintain the security, privacy and safety of the space-time itself as well as all those within. Ruling with an unbending nature, Zōnotatakai is respected and feared by his brethren and allies. His creator, Zoshima, entrust Zōnotatakai with the responsibilities of peering into the Waters of Time and commanding the space-time reality. Meaning he is not within position without merit, therefore he's allowed to rule equally with Chienozō and Zenzō.

Zōnotatakai relationship is one of obstacle. Two unstoppable forces that collide and continues to create shockwaves. This in a theoretical sense, as Ketsugo was once able to temporarily immobilize the great Sage to outwit him enough to challenge Zenzō. Therefore, ending the battle that would have ended Ketsugo's young life decades ago. However, since Ketsugo managed to gain Zenzō approval by tradition and culture, the fighting elephant too was forced to submit. Even though the Sage followed tradition, his personality and leadership style has gone unquestioned. With respect between Ketsugo and him, they are able to cooperate at the expense of some bashful pride being thrown in the air. After all, Zōnotatakai also respects the strength Ketsugo has as a shinobi.


Zōnotatakai an realistic, sometimes mistaken for being pessimistic but in actually see's the truth as it should be. Truth is based on being objective and therefore facts while opinions and feelings are subjective. The Sage often can be mistaken for being cold, unmoving, and uncompromising. Even if it means going against Zenzō feelings, the fighting elephant will exert his might and influence upon anyone or anything. Despite the reservations and disagreements the Sage may have, he's very cooperative, and willing to teach someone the way of how things should be done. In the case others are in need of being reprimanded, he's the first to volunteer his services over the other Triad members. One thing that is known of Zōnotatakai is his incredible wisdom and knowledge, in his service of work it has earned him great repute amongst those in the Sage realm.
