Elephant Island (象の島, "Zōshima", English TV; "Isle of the Elephants") A realm which has now existed for well over several millenniums, home to the most primordial of creatures. Each ruler of Zoshima are respected and loved amongst all of its inhabitants with their respective reputations spread across other sage regions of the shinobi world and beyond. Some of these reasons are because of the might this realm possess with its military strength and its advanced civilization that often times welcome primitive animal guest from other walks of life that adheres to the decree. Being one of the oldest if not the oldest sage region in existence, the Isles also commands secrecy for each and every visitor to have ever been allowed to enter. And for millenniums the veneration for the Isles has kept its whereabouts hidden and secure, other sage regions and dimensions have been in deference to not utter lip to human sages of their respective region. The proclamation made by Zōnotatakai long ago referred as the Bonds To Destiny (運命の絆, ' Unmei no Kizuna' , Chain of Fate'). Every single creature to have entered this location would have agreed to the decree and accept all commandments upon entering, only Kimiko being the exception due to the circumstance of her entering.
For a human to find the location of Isle of The Elephants, one must first learn that the place even exist. And knowing the place exist does not even mean its reachable by humans, as it's a separate space-time supposedly created by its progenitor where only select and obligated sages, spirits and other travelers. Access to this location can be whisked away immediately by the Three Fates and forever locking those not welcomed from access. Isle of The Elephants is impossible to find by foot, only those with approved request could access. However, to get permission to enter is also impossible by the decree formed and bonded by the words of all visitors, set in stone by the Unmei no Kizuna. Those able to access the Isle of The Elephants are given an elephant goad, riddled with the primordial Fūinjutsu which allows transportation to and from. The entry location of each visitor is surrounded by guardians, that scans and protects the area and everyone nearby. For a millennium, security has not once been threatened and even so, the young guards always remain vigilant in case a phenomena was to happen.
Known Inhabitants[]
- Zenzō
- Chienozō
- Zōnotatakai
Known Summoners[]
- Ketsugo Uzumaki
Additional Resources[]
- Waters of Time
Holy City of Elephantiasis[]
(象皮病の聖域, 'Zōhibyō no Seiiki', 'Sanctuary of Zo') A city of the primordial and residential to sagely and godly entities. This city progresses through contributions from all of its inhabitants and visitors, creating a networking society of hardworking entities working in unison. Large and sophisticated buildings surround the main city, while maintaining to keep cultural safari theme of their culture - resulting in crowded bazaars filled with exotic materials and natural essences, modern transportation for the humanoids that wish for such luxuries, etc etc etc. The Sanctuary filled with towering properties and leading "chromo-biological' corporations, consistently adapting their dimension to keep up with the outside world(s). A place that is home to an advanced civilization where spiritual entities took the form most naturally found within the region, so where one might see an elderly elephant bestowing lessons amongst the younger generation, there might be a foreign deity speaking to adolescent godlings disguised by the natural essences of Zoshima. Using the power of perception and deception to create uniformity, this isle gave everyone either a humanoid or elephantis form to transition between while within the domain of the immortal Triad…